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Berridge Ward Councillor.

This page provides you with information about your local Nottingham City Councillor.

As one of your Local Councillors, it is my job to take account of your views. I need your feedback to help make informed democratic decisions about issues which affect everyone.

For information regarding Councillor Surgeries and local services, please visit the Berridge Ward and Surgery Details page.

Information and details

Ward: Berridge
Party: Labour

Councillor Angela KandolaBiographical details 

Angela Kandola has lived in Nottingham her whole life and delivered culturally appropriate mental health, substance misuse, offending, homelessness and domestic violence services to the BAME Communities for over 25 years in the charity sector. She was first elected to the Council in 2019 and has always been actively involved in supporting Nottingham’s diverse communities and faith groups to ensure local residents have a say.

Committees, Attendance and Voting Table

Membership of Outside Organisations

Register of Interests

Gifts and Hospitality 

Your data matters! How I look after your data.

Related Pages

Contact Us

LH Box 28,
Loxley House
Station Street
NG2 3NG 


Tel: 07704 315080.

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