Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

Briefing Length: 3 hours


Course Leaders: EYFS Teaching and Learning Specialists


Audience: Nottingham City Practitioners, specifically Class Teachers in Schools who are new, or returning, to teach in F2 and practitioners in the PVI sector who have children turning 5 in the Spring or Summer Term. 


Course Overview:  This session aims to support the statutory assessment process.  During this session we will look at the significant messages of the updated Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook (published in October 2023) and talk through the process of completing the EYFS Profile, how to assess those with SEND and look at strategies to ease transition to KS1.



  • To develop your transition processes between F2 and KS1
Date Time Venue  Fee per delegate Book your place
Tuesday 4th February 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm Castle Cavendish

Free of charge

Specifically for Nottingham City Providers

Book here


Tuesday 4th February 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm Castle Cavendish

Free of charge

Specifically for Nottingham City Providers

Book here