Open your Eyes to the EYFS

Course Length: 4 sessions


Course Leaders: Teaching and Learning Specialists


AudienceNottingham City Practitioners in the maintained or PVI sector who are either working in or leading Early Years and who would like to develop their understanding of all aspects of the EYFS. This could be those who are new to the role along with those who have changed year groups or those who wish to refresh their knowledge. (ECT’s, Apprentices, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, nursery and pre-school practitioners, leaders, managers and SLT)

Fee per delegate: £120 covers attendance at all 4 sessions

Course Overview: Practitioners will be provided with a whistle-stop tour through the key components of the Early Years Foundation Stage, providing them with a deeper understanding of all aspects of the early years statutory framework. We will use statutory and non-statutory guidance to consider how to develop effective teaching and learning through establishing a deeper understanding of; child development, areas of learning, educational programmes, characteristics of teaching and learning, observations, assessments, planning, environment, continuous and enhanced provision and by exploring how these can be used effectively to meet children’s needs across the early years. This will be achieved directly through the training and through a series of gap tasks designed to provide practitioners with the opportunity to rehearse new learning within their setting.

Course Aims: 

This course will support you to:

  • Explore the key principles of the EYFS; The unique child, Building positive relationships, Enabling environments and Learning and Development 
  • Understand effective early years pedagogy
  • Clarify the critical role of the adult in the early years
  • Develop your understanding of the observation, assessment and planning cycle
  • Understand what makes good teaching and learning and be 'Ofsted ready' 


No current course dates - please keep checking back for future updates!