Early Years Local Offer
Nottingham City Early Years Settings Provision Maps
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires the Local Authority, Schools and Early Years settings to publish information about the educational provision that is available to children and young people with SEND.
To fulfil this requirement Nottingham City Council, settings and other partners worked together to develop Provision Maps for Early Years Settings to reflect the requirements of the EYFS and the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
Based on recognised national good practice, the maps provide a framework for provision in settings across the city to meet the needs of children with SEND. The range of interventions is not exhaustive and it is not expected that all settings will provide all interventions included on the maps.
Each settings provision will vary year on year to reflect the changing needs of the children in the setting at the time.
More information on Nottingham City Early Years Provision Maps can be found here, alongside more information about the Local Offer
SEND provision is provision that is additional to, and different from, that made generally for other children of the same age by schools and relevant (funded) Early Years providers (SENCOP 2015 pg 16 xv).
Individual Provision Maps are a central part of the graduated approach to supporting children with SEND.
When your Targeted Support Plan has been implemented, and the child is not making progress, it is important that you work in partnership with the child's parents to agree the next steps.
An Individual Provision Map will:
- Identify the child's strengths and areas of need & should also identify the strategies that all staff will be implementing to support the child
- Identify very specific targets that are SMART. These will be carefully planned & monitored to see what progress the child is making
- Clarify what support & specific activities & arrangements are in place to support the child throughout the day/week
- Include the advice & suggestions from other agencies if they are involved