Working with Other Agencies & Useful Information


Practitioners may find the website links below useful for their settings and for signposting parents.

  • Balanced System Pathway a speech, language and communication pathway is now available to all parents and professionals working with children and young people across the UK. The pathway navigates provisions available for parents, carers and professionals to help children and young people develop their SLC skills as well as providing more tailored resources for those with identified SLC needs.
  • Finding your Way is an informative directory of services and useful contacts, including Health, Education and Social Care and Support Services.
  • Ask Iris is a magazine for parents of children and young people with Special Educational needs, including a pull out of activities and groups.
  • Autism East Midlands is an umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers.
  • Council for Disabled Children is a really useful organisation helping practitioners put policy into good practice.
  • Charities and Grants Information this is a list of organisations who can support parents with completing their DLA claim and offer  financial support and advice to families with children who have SEND.

If you need to refer to other agencies 

When reviewing the development of a child with SEND, the SENCO or key worker, in consultation with parents, should consider:

  • Has progress been made?
  • What are the parents' views?
  • Is there a need for more information or advice about the child?

This may result in a request for help from Sam Caig and Mel Foulston, EYFS SEND Support Workers in the Early Years Team, who can support settings by doing observations or a Solution circle, or from external services.

When Individual Provision Map and strategies are not really working, or the child is not making progress, further support from other specialist services may need to be considered.

The Early Years SEND Support Pathway is a single referral pathway to all the services listed below. It is not connected to SEND funding and each team has their own criteria, but all use the same online referral form.

EY SEND Support Pathway Referral

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Educational Psychologist

Placement at risk of breakdown and/or where their needs are likely to be very significant such that they would probably receive an EHCP at some point in the future EP's Role within the Early years EP's Role within the Early years

Autism Team

The Autism Team work with children over 2 who have a diagnosis of autism or have a paediatrician appointment pending a diagnosis of autism. Find out here what they can offer.

Learning Support

The Learning Support Team support settings with children who are over 2 years, demonstrating developmental delay and are in receipt of Higher-Level Needs Funding.

Sensory Team

Work with any child with a clinical diagnosis of a hearing loss or a vision impairment from the point of diagnosis (0-19). The level of support depends on the level of hearing or vision loss.

EYFS SEND - Home Visiting Team

The Home Visiting Service for children with SEND who are not attending a setting and meet the criteria for this service.

Complete the checklist and, if eligible, complete the referral form. The referral form and check list must be sent electronically, and password protected. More information on this can be found on the Specialist Children's SLT website for all information 

Children's Development Centre Tel: 0300 1233387

SALT Check List and

Referral form

This team is the starting point of the referral pathway for children where there are queries regarding possible neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism (ASD) and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who are registered with a Nottingham City GP.

From the 1st April 2025, the Behaviour and Emotional Health Team (BEHT) are changing their name to the Neurodevelopmental Pathway and Support Team (NPST)

The Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway 

The Neurodevelopmental assessment pathway for children and young people is designed to support early identification, assessment, and management of neurodevelopmental disorders such as: 
Autism, ADHD, and other related conditions.
However, during the assessment process, it is essential to recognise potential medical concerns that may require urgent attention, known as the "red flag" criteria. 
These red flags serve as critical indicators of underlying medical conditions that may either mimic or coexist with neurodevelopmental disorders, impacting the child’s overall health and development.

The Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway 

NPST Poster and briefing links

Neurodevelopmental Referral pathway for children and young people BEH team

Community Paediatrics team Pathway for children with ADHD/Autism 

BEH team Further Useful Support Information 


Pathway for Children and Young People with Behavioural, Emotional or Mental Health Needs offering a wide range of support services.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

The Community Nursing Team is a generic and continuing care community based nursing service consisting of a community matron, team leader, registered children's community nurses, support workers, training staff and admin staff.