Looking After Your Childcare Business

Setting up and continuing to run a successful business is a daunting task and Nottingham City Early Years Team are committed to ensuring you have appropriate support available.  Nottingham City Council has a duty under the Childcare Act to ensure there is sufficient, high quality, accessible, affordable early years and childcare provision across the City to meet local parental needs.

Nottingham City Early Years Team are committed to supporting the sustainability of new and established childcare providers and the mechanism for this support is detailed in our Provider Support Framework and if, as a Nottingham City Childcare Provider, you have any queries, you should contact your EYFS Support Worker in the first instance or email earlyyears@nottinghamcity.gov.uk  

In addition to the support detailed in the Provider Support Framework, the information on this page provides a range of resources to support the business and financial management of your childcare provision.

At national level, Childcare Works have produced an Early Years Toolkit and a Wraparound Childcare Toolkit.  The Childcare Works toolkits bring together everything you need to grow, sustain and start childcare provision.  With content curated by experts, you will find a wealth of useful and relevant information, all in one place.

The toolkits contain information specific to operating childcare provision, plus general information for businesses, childminders and charities, including expert marketing, HR and leadership and management, partnership working and more.  

Content is organised into six ‘topics’ with each topic divided into sub-topics:

  • Business Planning
  • Business Growth
  • Running of Your Childcare Provision
  • Leadership and Management
  • Partnership Working
  • SEND and Inclusive Practice

Access the Wraparound Toolkit - Wraparound Childcare Toolkit | from Childcare Works

Access the Early Years Toolkit - Early Years Toolkit | from Childcare Works

There is also a range of organisations in this Useful Contacts document related to business management which you may find of interest. 

Childcare businesses in the Voluntary Sector can also get specific information on training, support and local funding opportunities from Nottingham Council for Voluntary Services (NCVS) 

Ofsted also consider it important that all childcare providers continue their professional development and Nottingham City Early Years offer a wealth of training and development courses, including Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding Children training which it is a legal requirement for you to maintain. Find out more on the CPD Training Page

The Early Years Team have also put together a Childcare Register Audit to support you with maintaining your quality business. CCR Audit document.