Out of School News and useful information

This section is specifically for news and guidance relevant to Out of School Clubs.  

Starting an Out of School Club may be a long term goal, a new interest or the next stage of your early years career. Even if you have childcare experience, starting up a business can be daunting process, requiring dedication, determination and strong will.

Before you begin you need to make sure you are fully aware of what opening an OOSC business entails and what the associated legal requirements are for the type of business you plan to open.

More information can be found on the Starting a Childcare Business page, but as an introduction, we would recommend you watch the following short vodcast: 

Information Download is a link that will be accessible to those OOSC providers in the City who have been granted access via a secure login in order to access further training materials and resources, following attendance at certain CPD opportunities that are charged at cost.

The Department for Education (DfE) published this voluntary code of safeguarding practice for out of school settings.

The non-statutory code of practice is intended to support out of school providers, providing advice on what policies and procedures providers should have in place for health and safety, safeguarding and child protection, staff suitability, and governance.

Also see After-school clubs, community activities and tuition: safeguarding guidance for providers - GOV.UK

Parent and Childcare Provider Right to Request Guidance supports schools and academies understanding around:

  • Parents’ right to request that the school that their child attends considers establishing wraparound and/or holiday childcare, and
  • Childcare Providers’ right to request to use school facilities for wraparound and/or holiday provision at times when the school is not using them

The Early Years Team have put together a Childcare Register Audit to support you with maintaining your quality business. CCR Audit document.