Early Years SEND Fund & Disability Access Funding (DAF)

SEND Legislative Requirements

It is the expectation of the local authority that all childcare providers support the inclusion of SEND children attending Nottingham City Early Years Settings by:      

  • Adhering to the Equality Act 2010
  • Adhering to the expectations of the EYFS, where appropriate
  • Adhering to the SEND Code of Practice 2015
  • Working positively to ensure that they are all offering fully inclusive services which meets the needs of all those in their care

The Early Years SEND Fund

The Early Years SEND Fund is available to all Nottingham City Private, Voluntary, Community and Independent Ofsted Registered Childcare Providers and Schools to support the inclusion of SEND children attending local Early Years' Settings.

From September 1st 2024 the Early Years SEND Fund supports;

  • Early identification of SEND for all children aged from 9 months to 4 years' whilst accessing their early years entitlement places.

The fund does not support the costs of short breaks or respite care.

A new Nottingham City SEND/HLN funding process and application pack was launched in October 2021 and the following documentation will support providers in making an application;

In addition, this vodcast aims to support providers in understanding why changes were needed and provides guidance on how to complete the SEND/HLN application form.

This Fund provides additional funding to support early years providers in making reasonable adjustments to enable children with SEND to access their early years' entitlement places.

From 1st April 2025, the DAF rate will be £938.00 per year for eligible children from 9 months.  Funding will be paid per year as a lump sum directly to one childcare provider, nominated by the parent.

To be eligible for DAF, the child must;

  • Be in receipt of an Early Years Entitlement place.
  • Be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Not be attending a Reception class at School

 Additional criteria information for DAF applications:

  • Children do not need to take up all of their early years' entitlement hours to be able to access the DAF
  • If a child is accessing their early years entitlement at more than one provider, the parent must nominate which provider will receive the DAF payment – the payment cannot be split between providers
  • The childcare provider will decide how the DAF will be spent, in partnership with the parent
  • Funding cannot be used to pay for additional hours
  • Once funding for the year has been paid, it will not be reclaimed, even if the child leaves the setting
  • If a child receiving DAF moves from one setting to another within a financial year, the new setting is not eligible to receive any DAF for this child until the anniversary of the previous claim

If a parent doesn't already claim DLA for their children with SEND, please share this Contact a Family Leaflet on claiming DLA  

DAF Downloads and Application Forms:


Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are able to apply to the Local Authority for high cost equipment in order to support the inclusion of a disabled child into a local childcare setting.

To be eligible to apply, the child must be accessing an early years' entitlement place at the childcare setting.

The application form for high cost equipment can be found here