Equality and Inclusion: Specialised Training
There is currently no mandatory requirement for the level 2 or level 3 SENCO qualification, however check out our current CPD opportunities for a range of local and national Equality and Inclusion related courses.
- New to the SENCO Role workshop provides practitioners new to this role with key points and practical ideas to help them in the SENCO role and covers many aspects of the L2 qualification.
- Our Being a SENCO course for established SENCOs covers many aspects of the L3 SENCO proposed qualification and job description and is certificated by CPD UK.
- SEND Awareness is for established key workers or any other practitioner, including Childminders, interested in learning about children with SEND. It will support any staff member in gaining an awareness in key areas of SEND.
- The SENCO Network provides invaluable networking opportunities and a great way to keep up to date on all the current SEND developments.
Read on to find out what you can access and ensure that you are updated with information on any new qualifications:
- The Early Years Workforce Strategy published in March 2017, included a commitment to support children with SEND, by developing a SEND qualification for early years practitioners.
- The Department for Education (DfE) has been working with organisations that specialise in SEND to create a specification for a level 3 early years Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) qualification. This was launched as part of the DfE Early Years Education Recovery Programme.
- DfE have also created a level 3 Early Years SENCO job description to give guidance for practitioners and providers about the role. The job description will inform individuals of the coverage and depth of the role and also highlight specialist SEND knowledge and skills required. Additionally, a level 2 SEND qualification specification has been created using the criteria being developed for the level 2 Early Years Assistant (EYA) qualifications.
Moving and Handling training to practitioners ( Oakfield School)
Dates and all the information about this training including booking on to it, can be found on the link below.
There is a dedicated e-mail address for any questions about this training as follows:
Please Note! This is a one day course and it is free to register a place. The cost is £200 per person.
This course covers the basic knowledge and skills needed to assist and move children with a range of physical disabilities, whilst ensuring adults' (support staff) own and others' safety.
It is both a theoretical and practical based course which incorporates a variety of teaching methods including demonstration of practical handling activities/tasks, discussion and group work.
If you require a translator or have any other specific needs please contact us on the email below.
This course is available to staff in schools and private day nursery settings, within the City of Nottingham.
Small child training only (hoist training not included for this date).
Certificates are provided and are valid for 3 years.
“Children and adults who have difficulty understanding and speaking often become frustrated or withdrawn. Young children may communicate this through behaviours such as screaming and kicking; older children and adults may shout or hurt themselves. By using Makaton, we are helping them to communicate in a more acceptable way.” The Makaton Charity
Here are five top tips for using Makaton:
- · Using Makaton is fun!
- · Use signs and symbols as much and as often as you can.
- · Always speak as you sign or use symbols.
- · Offer lots of encouragement.
- · Don't give up! It may take a while but it is worth it in the end.
It is important that only a few signs and symbols are used at the beginning. These will be the most important ones for the child or adult with communication difficulties. They will be chosen by the people who know the child or adult best. As they learn, more words will need to be introduced.