Wraparound Programme
The Wraparound Lead in Nottingham City is Katherine Crossley, Project Manager in the Early Years Team. For any initial wraparound related queries, please email katherine.crossley@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Childcare Expansion Funding
As part of the government's transformative reforms to childcare, the government aim to see an increase in the supply of wraparound childcare in primary schools. The ambition is for all parents of primary school aged children, from Reception to Year 6, to be able to access term-time wraparound childcare (before school and after school) from 8am to 6pm, in their local area should they need it.
As a Local Authority, Nottingham City Council has a statutory duty under The Childcare Act (2006) to ensure there are high quality, sufficient and sustainable childcare places. The Department for Education (DfE) has allocated funding to local authorities to support the local delivery of these reforms.
In Nottingham City, capital and revenue funding is being made available to schools and childcare providers through a grant allocation programme to support the creation of additional wraparound childcare places across the City. The DfE estimates that there will be demand for a further 1,090 places in the Wraparound Childcare market, based on the number of registered places currently available and population estimates.
Nottingham City Council received a capital allocation of £490,743 to support the expansion for wraparound childcare for primary school aged children and to support the expansion of provision for children under 3 with the introduction of the new early years entitlements. National guidance suggested an approximate allocation split of 20% for Wraparound Childcare place creation and 80% for Early Years Entitlements place creation. As such, Nottingham City has allocated £106,820 capital available to support this wraparound childcare programme.
There is also an allocation of £1.5 million Programme Funding to support the revenue elements of the wraparound childcare programme.
For full information on this funding opportunity please refer to:
Completed applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline dates in the Guidance Notes to earlyyearsexpansion@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Potential applicants are invited to attend a free, online Briefing Session on applying for Childcare Expansion Funding. For more information, please click here.
For any questions, please speak to your EYFS Support Worker in the first instance or email the above contact email.
Childcare Works Resources to support Providers - the Wraparound Childcare Toolkit and the HUB
Childcare Works have recently launched a new ‘Wraparound Toolkit’ Wraparound Childcare Toolkit | from Childcare Works. It has been curated by experts to bring together everything you need to grow, sustain or start, your childcare provision. It is designed for all types of providers at any stage of their journey. Whether you are just starting out, are sustaining your provision, or growing, you will find informative, relevant content.
The volume of information available to support providers can be overwhelming. The purpose of this toolkit is to bring this wealth of knowledge together in one place. It contains information specific to operating childcare provision, plus more general information for businesses, childminders and charities, including expert marketing, HR and leadership and management, partnership working and much, much more.
Content is organised into six ‘topics’:
- Business Planning
- Business Growth
- Running of Your Childcare Provision
- Leadership and Management
- Partnership Working
- SEND and Inclusive Practice
Each topic contains sub-topics to make finding relevant content easy. To support the different needs of providers Childcare Works Childcare Works - childcareworks.org.uk have included information in a range of formats such as guides, learning, toolkits, templates, articles, case studies and much more. Each resource included in the toolkit is available without cost.
Access the Wraparound Toolkit here: Wraparound Childcare Toolkit | from Childcare Works
In addition, Childcare Works have also created resources, tools and guidance in response to sector needs, and these can all be found in the HUB; a one-stop shop for all roll-out resources including good practice guidance, case studies, upcoming events and more to support providers.
Some of the latest resources on the HUB include bitesize video resources produced by NASEN to support providers to enhance inclusivity and better support the needs of children with SEND. These videos include:
Find out more at https://childcareworks.org.uk/
Parents of primary school age children are not always able to find, or afford, the childcare they need to enable them to work and support their families. The government's ambition is to ensure all parents of primary school age children who want and need it have access to affordable wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm, either side of the school day.
From September 2024, the national wraparound support begins over 2 academic years to enable schools and local areas to set up wraparound childcare provision either side of the school day, with the expectation that by September 2026, most primary schools will be able to offer their own before and after school care.
What training is available to playworkers in wraparound settings and out of school provision?
Playworkers in out of school clubs and wraparound settings have access to our full CPD training programme, but we also have sector specific training, such as Play and Playwork Training. Please do make the most of these training opportunities!
The DfE have published the document 'Wraparound Childcare: Guidance for Schools and Trusts in England (February 2024)' which sets out programme expectations and also this guidance for schools and PVI providers.
We held briefings on the wraparound programme during March 2024 - a copy of the presentation can be accessed here.
Nottingham City is incredibly fortunate to have a rich, mixed economy of existing provision. We will work with providers and schools to build on what already exists and also use our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment to help us ensure there is sufficient provision to meet local demand.
There are various different delivery models of how this wraparound provision could look and we will work with schools to identify models that are best for their local school community;
- School based provision - delivered by school staff on the school site, purely for the children of that school.
- Private provider-run provision, on or off the school site - private provider operates and delivers wraparound provision with staff they employ, could rent space from the school to run on a school site or operate in a separate building off the school site.
- Provision delivered by childminders - schools can signpost to provision delivered by childminders who can provide bring them to, or collect them after, school. This could also be a group of childminders working together on a single/community site.
- Community Models - An example could be that the LA co-ordinates a cluster/hub model which operates from a central site, such as a community centre, and provides care for a number of schools. This provision could be run by a private provider, community organisation or any other appropriate body.
- Other Early Years providers - existing early years providers, such as a playgroup or nursery, may have space to provide care for primary school aged children before and/or after the school day.
As part of any provision developed, we would expect a local feasibility study to identify both the demand for developing new provision and also what parents could reasonably be expected to pay for this. This is to ensure models developed are affordable to parents and the provision will be both well used and sustainable when it is developed.
Furthermore, to support the affordability of this provision, parents will be able to use Universal Credit childcare support for up to 85% subsidy of their costs and eligible parents can also use Tax Free Childcare to subsidise costs, covering 20% of costs up to £2k a year.
For more information on what childcare provision is currently available in the City, please visit the ASKLiON website.
Useful Resources
CPD Ideas and resource booklet for Including all children in your setting.