Services within St Ann's
St Ann's Valley Centre offers easy convenient and local access to City Council services, local GP practices, NHS Nottingham City clinics and Nottingham City Council Housing Services, all from under one roof.
Click below to download and view the Nottingham City Joint Service Centres – Access Statement
St Ann's Valley Centre
2 Livingstone Road
St Ann's
NG3 3GG - Please note this is a new road just off St Ann's Well Road.
Tel: 0115 883 9700
NHS Nottingham City
GP Practices
Wellspring Surgery
- Visit: Wellspring Surgery Nottingham Website
- Opening Times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6.30pm
Other NHS Services
- Chronic Respiratory Disease (lungs and breathing)
- Counselling
- Contraception and Sexual Health (family planning)
- Dietetics
- District Nurse Clinics (dressings, leg ulcers, continence clinics)
- Eye Clinics
- Health Visitors (baby clinics, development checks)
- Midwives (antenatal checks)
- Paediatricians (children's doctors)
- Phlebotomy (blood taking)
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry (feet)
- School Nursing (clinics, drop-in clinics)
- Speech and Language Therapy
Nottingham City Council
- Information and signposting
- Books, CDs and DVDs
- Internet access including training/support
- Homework clubs
- Children's sessions
- Reading groups, workshops and events
Ask Here Desk
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm.
Saturday 9.30am to 1.00pm.
Children's Centre Outreach
- Information and advice
- Parenting support
- Sessions including 'Stay and Play'
Targeted Youth Work
- Health and Wellbeing sessions
- CASH and Paediatric Services
- Life and work skills
- Supporting groups e.g. young carers
- Healthy eating
Nottingham City Housing Services
Visit: Nottingham City Housing Services Website
- Housing advice
- Estate Management
- Rent and benefit advice
- Homelink kiosk (touch screen)
- Freephone including housing repairs
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