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We currently have a power cut at our head office which is affecting our phone systems and online services. 

Some of Nottingham City’s key employers have come together to publish their Pay gap reports in one place for:

  1. Gender (statutory obligation) The gender pay gap information employers must report - GOV.UK ( and
  2. Ethnicity (voluntary, currently). Ethnicity pay reporting - GOV.UK (


In 2017, the Government introduced world-leading legislation that made it statutory for organisations with 250 or more employees tocare report annually on their gender pay gap. This includes the mean and median gender pay gaps; the mean and median gender bonus gaps; and the proportions of male and female employees in each pay quartile. The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. If a workforce has a particularly high gender pay gap, this can indicate there may be several issues with which to deal, and the individual calculations may help to identify what those issues are.

In 2020, the Black Lives Matter protests and the unequal effects of Covid-19 on Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) individuals prompted numerous organisations to publicly denounce racism and discrimination. To sustain this progress, implementing a voluntary ethnicity pay gap report is a practical approach that allows companies to take concrete actions. It helps them identify and address any existing inequalities within their workforce, track advancements, and facilitate significant changes.

The City Council launched its own Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in 2020 and using this as a springboard has worked with other key organisations in the City to come together to publish their pay gap reports.

Why is it important?

The diverse nature of Nottingham’s communities is a huge asset thatgroup is valued and seen as one of the City’s great strengths. 34.6% of the population are from BAME groups (Census 2011); an increase from 19% in 2001 and 18% have a long-term illness or disability.

Pay gap reports are indicators of embedded and systemic diversity and inclusion problems within organisations and many employers are now taking significant steps to identify and address the causes of the gaps. Some are motivated to act by the legal requirements for transparency (in relation to gender), but others see pay gap data as an important inclusion indicator that must be tackled if they are to achieve an inclusive and diverse workplace. Reporting data can help to focus an organisations efforts in the right places and encourage conversations around diversity.

We understand the challenges that are facing the wider communitiesYellow Vest that live and work in our City. We use data and information from a range of sources to influence our thinking and inform our decision-making. Our priority is to always address issues of discrimination, disadvantage, and remove barriers to access and opportunities.

Our organisations are committed to ensuring our workforces’ are representative of the communities they serve. We want to attract and retain talented employees from a wide range of backgrounds and with diverse skills and experience to operate as effectively as possible.


Below are the Organisations and their Pay Gap Reports 

Nottingham City Council has published the latest Gender Pay Gap report as part of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

The council is continuing to improve workforce planning to encourage increasing the numbers of women in senior roles, along with further development of existing coaching and mentoring schemes.

We have published our ethnicity pay gap for transparency and to demonstrate our strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, including our commitment to taking practical action to address disparities in the workplace

To view the document, please click the link below to download and view the PDF

We want Nottingham City Council to be a sector leader in inclusive practice.

Understanding where there are disparities provides us with the impetus to do better and to ensure that we hold ourselves accountable for making positive progress.

In order to address the pay gap and to advance race equality and inclusion in the workplace, the council signed up to the Race at Work Charter which is aims to tackle ethnic disparities in the work place and includes five calls to action:

  • To appoint an executive sponsor for race,
  • to capture ethnicity data and publicise progress,
  • to commit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying,
  • to make clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers and
  • to take action that supports ethnic minority career progression.

bootsBoots has a proud history of championing women and we continue to drive inclusion, champion diversity and promote opportunity for everyone.

Now in its fourth year, we’ve published our Gender Pay Gap report (as of April 20 20), in accordance with the Government’s Gender Pay Gap Regulations.

As an organisation, our vision is to create a culture where diversity, equity and inclusion are at the forefront of our thinking.

From the products we sell in our stores to the inclusive environment we aim to create for our colleagues and customers, we take a zero-tolerance approach to racism and prejudice of any kind.

However, we know there is always room for us to do better – and we will. That is why we shared our Racial Equity Charter in August 2020, committing to making Boots a more diverse, equitable and inclusive place for our colleagues and customers.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) are committed to anti-racism practice and progressing inclusion.  We support Nottingham City Council’s initiative for the publishing of collective pay gap reports for gender and ethnicity as part of our Integrated Care System partnership arrangements as well as for large employers in Nottingham.

NUH have launched a BAME strategy setting out 8 key actions – to address the findings of the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES). including

  • Increasing BAME representation at senior levels of the organisation
  • Increasing membership and utilisation of the BAME staff network
  • Positive Action initiatives in recruitment and selection
  • The development of local Workforce Race Equality metrics
  • Specific Talent and Progression Programmes
  • A Reciprocal Mentoring for Inclusion Programme
  • Improving HR processes
  • BAME staff health and wellbeing initiatives, beyond the pandemic

Together with the 74 objectives of the NHS Midlands Workforce Race Equality and Inclusion Strategy that Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’s Integrated Care System Partners are collectively working on, will mirror similar objectives contained within the Race at Work Charter and other programmes partners may have signed up to.  We welcome partnership working at every opportunity for the benefit of the citizens and employees of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

The University of Nottingham are pleased to publish our fourth annual analysis of the gender pay gap and the first analysis of the ethnicity pay gap. This is an important step in our continuing work to support equality, diversity and inclusion which is so critical to our values as an institution and our ability to recruit, retain and support staff to enable them to thrive and achieve their full potential.

We know there is significant work to do to reduce both of our pay gaps and we are committed to doing so.

We hold an Institutional Race Equality Charter Bronze award for our race equality work. We have set a university wide target to increase BAME representation and take action through the delivery of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Delivery Plan (EDI SDP) and Race Equality Charter action plan to deliver targeted initiatives and continue our commitment to the Race Equality Charter framework in order to improve inclusivity.

In relation to the gender pay gap, the University has targets to improve and monitor progress through production of an annual report in response to gender pay reporting legislation. This reporting also gives us the opportunity to benchmark against our peers, share best practice, and challenge ourselves in reducing our gender pay gap.

We hold an Institutional Athena SWAN silver award for our gender equality work. We are taking action through delivery of our EDI SDP and Athena Swan Charter action plan as we aim to make meaningful progress in a number of key areas including:  

  • Supporting career progression and supporting women to stay and develop careers at the university,
  • Improving our support for staff with caring responsibilities,
  • Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion within university culture and taking steps to towards a more balanced gender distribution in lower-level roles as well as considering representation in senior level roles.  

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

NTU logoNottingham Trent University (NTU) is a welcoming and inclusive place of work, where access to professional opportunities and benefits are available to enable diverse talent to grow. Our pay gap reports provide evidence of our work in this area, and whilst important work remains to be done, our current trajectory is a positive one. The ethnic and gender pay gaps at NTU are diminishing. Ultimately, our goal is to eradicate them.

We hold an Institutional Athena SWAN Bronze award for our gender equality work and are working towards achieving Silver recognition. NTU are also members of the AdvanceHE’s Race Equality Charter, and we have a specific institutional Race Equality Action Plan (REAP) with workstreams that underpin the delivery of our commitment to becoming an anti-racist institution, and improve the experiences and representation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees and students within NTU.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit download and view the PDF

Nottingham City Transport is committed to diversity. We are a strong supporter of pay gap reporting and believe it is a significant step towards creating gender pay equality. Since the introduction of gender pay gap reporting, we have seen year-on-year improvements in our median gender pay gap.

We are committed to Closing the Gap by implementing Inclusive Recruitment practices, facilitating early talent diversity is a great way to bring diversity of thought, approaches and innovation across the business and tackle the skills shortage in our industry

Creating Agile Working by accommodating flexible working wherever possible. Increasing flexible working opportunities reinforces that we support those with commitments outside of work and helps us to create a more inclusive culture.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

Diversity & Inclusion continues to be one of our highest priorities at Browne Jacobson, fundamental to our culture and embedded into our core values. We empower our people to be authentic and bring their whole selves to work every day. Creating an inclusive and diverse working environment is everyone’s responsibility in our business.

We have continued our focus on the critically important aim to increase gender balance, but in addition we are also strengthening our focus on other diversity strands, including ethnicity, disability, socio-economic background & sexual orientation. Lasting change will only be achieved when jobs at senior levels are accessible to all – and when the career paths to achieve them are equally accessible. We continue to look for opportunities to partner with our clients and supply chain to extend our reach in promoting an inclusive society.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

eonE.ON’s commitments to inclusion and diversity At E.ON, we’re committed to offering an inclusive culture, where everyone can be themselves at work, feel valued and can achieve their full potential and this year this has been more important than ever, with colleagues having to adapt to new ways of working in a challenging environment.

To view the document, please click the link below to download and view the PDF

Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to equal pay, and we work hard to ensure that we address under-representation across our workforce. We do this through positive action initiatives for recruitment campaigns, but we also develop our existing employees and managers through initiatives like the Future Leaders of Nottingham programme.

To view the document, please click the link below to download and view the PDF

Nottingham City Housing Service have signed the Race at Work Charter which means we are taking practical steps to ensure our organisation is tackling barriers that ethnic minority people face in recruitment and progression and that our organisation is representative of the communities we serve.

We are committed to the seven key actions of the charter:

  1. Appoint an Executive Sponsor for race.
  2. Capture ethnicity data and publicise progress.
  3. Commit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying.
  4. Make equity, diversity and inclusion the responsibility of all leaders and managers.
  5. Take action that supports Black, Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse employee career progression.
  6. Support race inclusion allies in the workplace.
  7. Include Black, Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse-led enterprise owners in supply chains.

To view the document, please click the link below to visit and  download and view the PDF

Nottinghamshire Police support the fair treatment and reward of all staff, irrespective of gender. Our pay approach is based on the principles of consistency, fairness and transparency, supporting the fair treatment and reward of all staff, irrespective of gender. We are committed to being a diverse and inclusive organisation and understanding and improving our gender pay balance. This report fulfils Nottinghamshire Police’s reporting requirements, analyses the figures in more detail and sets out what we are doing to close the gender pay gap in the organisation.

Nottinghamshire Police are committed to:

  • Refreshing our family friendly policies to enable parents and carers to achieve a work-life balance.
  • Targeted recruitment to support our aims
  • Provide recruitment and selection training to staff involved in recruitment including unconscious-bias training,
  • Widening Access Course aimed at our under-represented groups. This positive action course allowed an exciting opportunity for individuals interested in developing a greater understanding of Nottinghamshire Police providing an in-depth understanding about the variety of policing roles and career opportunities
  • Dedicated school engagement team to visit schools to promote recruitment

To view the document, please click the link below to visit, download and view the PDF

Useful links

November 18th in the UK marks Equal Pay Day – the day when, due to the gender pay gap in average wages, women effectively stop earning compared to men.

Workforce Profile 

These reports contain information relating to the workforce profile of employees within Nottingham City Council, including protected characteristics and representation of Nottingham citizens within the workforce. 

Representation of Nottingham City Residents is taken directly from the figures published under the 2011 Census ( except for the sexual orientation figure, which is an estimate based on the 2016 ONS Survey. 

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Equality & Employability Team

Tel: 01158762747

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