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What is Composting?

Composting is nature's way of recycling your kitchen and garden waste. Not only can you save money by not purchasing shop-bought compost, but you can also improve your garden by helping your soil become more fertile. Composting creates organic resources, which is beneficial to the environment.

Where to Start

Composters for residents - Composters can be purchased locally at most prominent garden centres. or visit Get Composting, where residents can purchase compost bins at great prices. Visit: GetComposting.

Homemade compost bins - Garden Organic have a great guide. Click to visit Garden Organic | Homemade compost bins

Bargain - Bins and equipment. You could also grab a bargain or free stuff. Click links below to visit website:

Help getting started, a handy guide to help you get the most out of your composter. Click link to view Composting at home brochure

The RHS have a great website if you hit any problems. Visit: Composting / RHS Gardening

How to Get Started

  1. Equipment: The first thing you need to do is either build or purchase a composting bin. You can buy compost bins for a very reasonable price from most good garden centres or online. If you decide to create your own, look at these tips. Visit: Build a Compost Bin - BBC Gardeners World Magazine
  2. Location: Choose a location for your bin based on the layout and space of your garden; soil is preferable, but concrete will suffice. A sunny spot accelerates composting, though shade will not hinder the process. Ensure the bin is conveniently placed yet not too close to your home.
  3. Start adding your material; any garden clippings, including grass, can be composted with leftover fruit, vegetables, and a small amount of cardboard or paper. Egg boxes are perfect to use as they allow air pockets into your spaces. - See below for more information

Fill it up and give it some time! Try to get a 50/50 mix of greens and browns, as this creates the best compost.

Green Brown 
Fresh Leaves Dead Leaves
Old Flowers and Leaves  Paper, Cardboard and Egg Boxes
Grass and Hedge Clippings  Small Twigs
Fruit Waste  Straw
Vegetable Peelings  Sawdust


How Long Will It Take?

Be patient; It takes around 9-12 months for the composting process to be complete. Remember to keep adding greens and browns to the top of your bin as you go.

How will I know when it's ready?

You'll know when it is ready to use when it turns into a crumbly, dark, earthy material.

Where can I use it?

You can use your compost on flower beds, veggie patches, or hanging baskets!

Can I buy Compost Bins?

While starting without a compost bin is possible, using one can be tidier and simpler to manage. You might opt for a compost heap covered with cardboard or plastic instead.

Contact us

Waste Collection
Eastcroft Depot
London Road

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