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We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

In this section

Open Consultations

Flood Risk Management Strategy

We invite you to participate in shaping the future of flood risk management in Nottingham

Child Friendly Nottingham Survey

We want to hear from under 19s in Nottingham

Closed Consultations

Nottingham City Women's Health Survey

This consultation is now closed

Nottingham Tree Strategy

This consultation is now closed

Hackney Carriage Licenses

This consultation is now closed

Taxi Specification Taxi Policy

This consultation is now closed

Review of traffic sensitive streets

This consultation is now closed.

Nottingham's Draft Plan for Economic Growth

This consultation is now closed

Glade Hill Primary SEN unit

This consultation is now closed.

Healthwatch Nottingham & Nottinghamshire

This consultation is now closed

Libraries Transformation Consultation

This consultation is now closed

Housing Strategy consultation

This consultation is now closed.

Gambling Policy Consultation

This consultation is now closed

Nottingham CityCare - Community Health Services

Your community health centres, your say!

Future Council engagement

This engagement is now closed.

Council tax support scheme

This consultation has concluded

Nottingham City Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

This consultation is now closed

2025/26 Budget savings proposals

This consultation is now closed

Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan

This consultation has now ended.

Commercial and Procurement strategy 2025-2029

This consultation has concluded.