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Acupuncture, Tattooing, Semi-Permanent Skin Colouring, Cosmetic Piercing and Electrolysis

Any person offering acupuncture, piercing, electrolysis and tattooing including semi-permanent make-up treatments must be registered with the Local Authority. The premises where these treatments are carried out must also be registered with the Local Authority. 

Apply for Registration

To apply for registration, please complete the application forms below:

The current fees for registration are:

  • Fee for Practitioner – £72.00
  • Fee for Premises – £138.00

The current fees are available at the following link.


Once we have received both your application form and fee, an Environmental Health Officer will arrange to carry out an inspection of your premises. The purpose of the visit is to assess compliance with the byelaws (see below) which require you to ensure the premises, equipment used in treatment and practices implemented are safe and hygienic for the practitioner and clients.

Proprietors and Operators carrying out tattooing or cosmetic piercing should work to the standards and working practices detailed in the ‘Tattooing and Body Piercing guidance toolkit’ published by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH).

You should download, review the contents of this document and share it with any person carrying out the above activities in order to implement the highest standards of cleanliness and safety.

Nottingham City Council also offers businesses the opportunity to subscribe to the Nottinghamshire Hygiene Accreditation Scheme which provides businesses with a score between 0-5 following an assessment of their hygiene and safety compliance. Please visit the following link for further information.

Contact us

Licensing Manager
Humber Building
Eastcroft Depot
London Road

Tel: 0115 915 6571

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