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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.


Here you will find guidance notes and advice on the process of applying for a Provisional Statement (used when premises are currently under construction or being modified, etc) including a list of licensing Solicitors and Specialists.

Applying for a provisional statement

Completing this service should take around 20 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

You'll need to provide copies of the following:

  • Plan Requirements

To edit the form you'll need a recent version of Adobe Reader or relevant software that can read and edit PDF's.  Open the form using Adobe Reader instead of your web browser.

Complete the application form

How to apply

  • Before applying please read the guidance notes thoroughly.
  • Click on the relevant To Apply Button (Yellow), this will take you to the Nottingham Application Page on Gov
  • Follow the instructions to download, edit and submit application

Fee Guidance 

  • When applying, any fees will be mentioned on the Gov Page.

Information and Guidance

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