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You can complain about a Hackney Carriage or a Private Hire vehicle or driver licensed by Nottingham City Council.

Nottingham City Council's Licensing Team is responsible for investigating complaints concerning drivers, vehicles and operators licensed within the city of Nottingham.

The Licensing Team's powers are limited to dealing with breaches of conditions attached to licences or where a licence holder has failed to abide by legislation governing their licence.

Make a complaint about a licensed vehicle or driver

Completing this service should take around 5 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Details of the complaint 
  • Details of the licensed vehicle or driver
  • Details for anyone who witnessed the incident

Make a complaint about a licensed vehicle or driver

What We Investigate

The types of complaints the Licensing Team deal with include:

  • Poor customer service
  • Poor standards of driving
  • Overcharging
  • Vehicle defects
  • Failures to display driver or vehicle identification
  • Drivers intentionally prolonging journeys
  • Noise nuisances
  • Plying for hire (private picking up public)
  • Issues against an operator

What We Do Not Investigate

If your complaint is regarding a 'crime in progress' involving a hackney carriage or private hire driver, vehicle or operator please call Nottinghamshire Police on 999.

If your complaint is about the following categories you will need to contact the agency identified below:

  • Criminal Complaint e.g. discrimination, inappropriate behaviour, child and adult safeguarding issues, violence or theft, contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101
  • Moving Traffic Offence e.g. using the phone while driving, dangerous driving or speeding, contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101
  • Illegal Parking contact the Parking Enforcement Team
  • For vehicles licensed outside the city of Nottingham contact the relevant local authority
  • Civil Matters we can advise but cannot resolve issues such as fare disputes

If your complaint is not covered by any of the categories listed above you may proceed by contacting us either by:

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