Recovery and Arrears Advice
If you are struggling to pay your Business Rates, contact us immediately to avoid debt recovery actions, which may lead to court proceedings. We can connect you with debt advice services and offer support.
Contact us:
Phone: (0115) 9154819
Bill or Demand Notice
This shows how much you owe and when payments are due. Pay on time or as much as you can. If you can’t pay the full amount, you may receive further notices.
First Reminder
Sent if you miss a payment or pay less than required. Bring your account up to date to avoid further action. If not paid in full we may issue a court summons.
Final Reminder
If you have fallen behind again, your right to pay in instalments is cancelled. You must pay the full balance. If you can’t contact us.
Magistrates Court Summons
If arrears continue, we may take legal action, adding £67.50 in costs. Pay in full before the court date to avoid further letters. If you can’t pay contact us to arrange a plan.
After Court Action
You can set up a payment arrangement. If broken, we may send your account to Enforcement Agents for collection, and any queries about fees must be directed to them.
Please contact us if you are having trouble paying your rates – we’re here to help and advise.
Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you won’t receive a reply. If you need a response please contact us.