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We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

About our Organisation

Access Training are a Nottingham based training provider owned by two housing associations: Futures Housing Group and Nottingham Community Housing Association. We have been an integral part of the community and have served the East Midlands for over 30 years. Our goal is to provide meaningful support, coaching, mentoring, training, and skills provision to help residents reach their full potential, we make this happen using education as a catalyst for social mobility and positive action. 

About our UKSPF project

The project ‘Access Works’ will use a place-based delivery model focused on community engagement in wards across Nottingham City where we have identified the highest level of demand from residents. Our focus will be to engage unemployed residents with specific engagement activities for participants coming from BAME backgrounds, young people aged 18-24, over 50s and single parents. The wards we will be primarily supporting are: Bulwell, Aspley, Bestwood, Bilborough and Dales. Simultaneously, we will also be working across Meadows, Hyson Green & Arboretum and Berridge wards. 

We aim to do ‘right by you’ listen to you and support you.

We will offer you:

  • Emotional support and increase your confidence 
  • Skill Enhancement/training and accredited qualifications
  • Assist with CV’s/cover letters
  • Support with relevant job searching
  • Conduct Mock Interviews
  • Support you on your journey to sustainable employment

We will approach each situation with empathy, respect, and sensitivity to your individual needs to ensure ‘Access Works’ for you.

Planned start date 01.04.2024.

For more information, please contact

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