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Nottingham City Council acknowledges the importance of enhancing digital skills among its residents and recognises a need for accessible, high-quality digital spaces across the community.

To address this, Nottingham City Council used capital funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to improve community venues, facilities, and digital services. The Digital Capital Grant was designed to support Nottingham’s community organisations in purchasing essential digital equipment, allowing residents to develop key life skills and access accredited lifelong learning opportunities.

Through this grant, community organisations were eligible to apply for funding between £10,000 and £15,000, specifically allocated for digital equipment purchases.

General Eligibility Criteria

Applicants were required to:

  • Operate within the Nottingham City Council administrative area.
  • Be a Community Interest Company (CIC), Company Limited by Guarantee, Social Enterprise, Registered Charity, Public Body involved in community projects, or a constituted body. Private companies or businesses were ineligible.
  • Secure written permissions from landlords (including all Nottingham City Council-owned buildings) prior to application submission; applications without permissions could not be reviewed.

Grant Outcome

The Digital Capital Grant has now closed, and Nottingham City Council is thrilled to announce that it has supported 15 organisations across Nottingham in creating, continuing, and expanding impactful digital capital projects. The successful organisations are:

Some of the exciting projects supported by this funding include a renovated IT suite at the St Anns Advice Centre, a new IT suite (following a break-in) at a beloved community centre in Strelly, and updated equipment at the Nottinghamshire Archives Centre to support volunteer development and increase public usage. These initiatives will enrich Nottingham’s digital landscape, offering quality IT equipment within local communities and opportunities for the public to upskill and boost their digital literacy.

Further Information

If you have attended any of these projects, we would love to hear from you!

Please share your feedback by filling in our short Perception Survey.

For further questions or information, contact

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