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About our Organisation

Evolve are a place-based organisation based within Area 3 of Nottingham City. We provide a hub of activity to support and provide opportunities for people to help them change their own lives.

We encourage people to become active citizens to improve their social, physical, and economic environments. Evolve work with local communities to formulate solutions to local issues.

We offer support, advice, employment skills and training alongside a full programme of health and wellbeing activities.
Our busy hub also offers a community café, social events, volunteering, school holiday activities and youth sessions.

We strive to meet the needs of the community based on identifying their needs and what works for them.

About our UKSPF project

Our People and Skills project is a holistic development programme to help people move closer to employment.

Whilst we are based within Area 3 covering Aspley, Bilborough and Broxtowe wards, our project is supporting city wide residents from the age of 16 – 60+
Our experienced work coaches are based at convenient locations across the city and deliver our holistic support model to improve life skills, confidence and employment options.
Participants can access a package of development opportunities and support offering them the chance to achieve key skills, realise their job goals or access wider services to remove barriers.

We give one to one support for Employment and Training delivering tailored employability development and giving people access to vocational skills training, further learning or work experience.
Our hub offers a timetable of accredited and vocational courses such as Functional Skills, IT and ESOL classes alongside our second learning centre at the Forest Sports Zone, city site.

Our project works with longer term unemployed and economically inactive residents.

For more information, please contact

Contact: Jo Rice
Call: 07305 056424

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