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Funded by UK Government

Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3 (LAHF R3)

In 2024, the UK government announced the £450 million third round of the Local Authority Housing Fund. It will support local authorities to obtain better quality accommodation for families at risk of homelessness and will also provide safe and suitable housing for those on the Afghan resettlement schemes who are unable to secure their own housing.

Nottingham’s LAHF Programme

In Summer 2024, Nottingham City Council was allocated £1.7million to deliver the LAHF R3 programme. This round of the LAHF will run till March 2026.

The Council’s intention is to secure a third-party Registered Provider (RP) to award the funding allocation to, via a funding agreement, to enable the third-party provider to deliver all elements of the funding requirements. The successful RP will also be required to enter into a Nominations agreement with the Council to ensure the new homes are used for intended purpose and to address the housing needs of the target cohorts for the lifetime of the properties. The selected third-party provider will be required to meet any further match funding requirements in the delivery of the required outputs. The successful applicant will need to be a Registered Provider and present on the statutory register of social housing providers.

The funding offer from the Government for Nottingham consists of an indicative allocation of £1,722,300 of capital grant funding (under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003) to deliver:

  • A minimum of 12 homes for housing to prevent or alleviate homelessness.
  • A minimum of 4 homes for the Afghan Resettlement Programme (ARP)
  •  A minimum of 1 home for the Afghan Resettlement Programme (ARP)

*The funding for the 12 units of homelessness accommodation is contingent of the delivery of the 5 units of ACRS accommodation.

We encourage applications from delivery partners to identify if and how the grant allocation can be maximised to deliver units in addition to the minimal output requirement.

LAHF Open call for Registered Providers

Through an Open Call process, Registered Providers are invited to apply for the LAHF grant funding and to deliver the housing units required for the identified target cohorts   

The Open Calls are now open.

Registered Providers interested in applying should read the Invitation to Bid (ITB) document and then complete the LAHF Grant Application Form (word document) and return via email


Also provided on the links below is a provisional Heads of Terms (HoT) document that summarises the grant agreement and a draft nominations agreement that the successful applicant will be required to enter into. Please note NCC retain the right to amend/withdraw these documents, and these are not the final versions.

Eligibility criteria for successful applicants

In regard to eligibility, there will be key gateway criteria that will need to be met before applications can progress to the next assessment stage (including methodology, programme plan). Please the see the LAHF ITB Appendix A – Scoring document that outlines the scoring methodology. 

The privacy notice relating to this open call can be found here:

Deadline for Applications

The deadline for applications is WEDNESDAY 5th MARCH 2025 12:00

Applications submitted after this deadline will not be accepted.

Please return completed applications and supporting documents via email to

Further Information about LAHF R3

For further information about the UK Governments and Nottingham’s LAHF R3 programme please click on the links below. 

Local Authority Housing Fund: Round 3 prospectus and guidance - GOV.UK

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