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The Winter Support Grant is now closed.


The city has faced significant economic challenges in recent years, including the unprecedented rises in the cost of living and doing business.

Nottingham City Council has used revenue funding from its UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to support organisations to help households in their communities to reduce the impact of the increased cost of living, particularly with the rising cost of household energy bills.

Grant Amount

The Winter Support Grant is in two parts

Part 1 - Number of households receiving support that helps reduce the burden of the cost of living

Part 2 - Number of households supported to take up energy efficiency measures and increase the take up of energy efficiency measures

As anticipated, demand for the grant far exceeded the available budget, and unfortunately, we were only able to award funding to just over half of the organisations that applied.

Grant Outcome

Nottingham City Council is thrilled to announce that it has supported 15 organisations across Nottingham to help city households reduce their cost of living.

The successful organisations are:

Organisations Summary of Activity
Evolve Nottingham Providing a space that is warm and provides a free hot drink with a snack/meal supports households in reducing their food and utility bills, reducing the cost of living.

Centre for warmth - also offer utility cost advice, scam awareness, and potential grant support, also linking people into the priority service register for utility companies.
Meadows Foodbank Membership food pantry helps local residents. We did this both to offer a route out of foodbank dependency and a safety net to help people avoid needing to use the foodbank.

Buy a range of more energy efficient devices that we can offer, in particular air fryers and slow cookers.
Bestwood & Bulwell Foodbank Provide households with emergency food parcels. Also have available advice from Bulwell Advice Centre which helps ensure households are receiving the maximum benefit support.
Open Arms Organisation People’s Café, a weekly social eating event where community members gather to share a free meal in a warm, welcoming environment. Let’s Cook Sessions equip families with the skills to prepare affordable, nutritious meals on a budget. 

Lasting Health Sessions promote physical and mental well-being through fitness activities, health screenings, and community gatherings.
Bestwood Partnership Families will be able to update their knowledge on Energy Efficiency, learn how to budget using supermarket own brands, and evidence that by spending less on non-essentials and use less energy within their homes will have a positive impact via:
  • Budgeting awareness
  • Supermarket vouchers
  • Cooking classes
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Resource packs
Hope Nottingham Provide emergency food parcels for households in financial crisis. These include three meals of nutritionally balanced emergency food in line with the number of people in the household for three days.
Signpost to Polish Success A warm community hub and a comfortable waiting area. Coffee Mornings for people over 50 years of age. Clients receive advice during our Coffee Mornings and 1-2-1 Support Sessions on how to reduce household costs of living.
Second Chance Learning Academy Shopping Challenge Workshops
  • Improve people’s budgeting skills.
  • Reduce household food bills.
  • Reduce cooking costs / energy bills.
Energy Saving and Staying Well
  • Improve people’s knowledge about how to reduce energy bills.
  • Improve people’s understanding of the impact each energy saving measure can have.
  • Reduce household energy bills.
  • Reduce winter clothing costs.

FareShare Midlands
Offer Members food free of charge, giving incentive to groups to take in higher volumes than they can normally afford as part of their membership, and widening out membership to those who do not have a budget, but have capacity to take in food.
Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Distribute air fryers to low-income householders in or at risk of fuel poverty in the City.

Will book appointments to visit the householders in their home to deliver the air fryer and check there is capacity to safely use and store it. We also carry out a Home Energy Check to maximise the value of the intervention.
Himmah Distribute essential winter relief packages to vulnerable individuals in Nottingham. These packages are designed to provide warmth and comfort to those struggling with the financial challenges associated with the colder months.

Distribute households with energy efficiency kits designed to help reduce heating costs and improve home insulation during the colder months

Belong Warm hub providing homemade soup and as well as hot drinks. Realistic budget to help from welfare officer.

Provide workshops and supply energy saving products to the people who attend our warm hub. Products will include draft excluders, radiator foil and window sealing kits.
City South – PCN 7 Local coffee mornings at GP practices and HUBS at local venues. Inform and supply with practical support to help minimise fuel costs, reduce energy consumption and keeping fit and healthy over the winter period

Distribute Winter Warmth Pack to those who are in need the most.
Clifton & Meadows – PCN 8


Local coffee mornings at GP practices and HUBS at local venues. Inform and supply with practical support to help minimise fuel costs, reduce energy consumption and keeping fit and healthy over the winter period

Distribute Winter Warmth Pack to those who are in need the most.
Metropolitan Trent Vally Housing Provide residents with energy-efficient products and resources to help them manage energy use and reduce heating costs.

Through the Good Grub and Brunch Club social eating events and 1-1 support service, we will identify households in need and distribute cost-saving items to help them stay warm and reduce their living expenses during the winter months.


Further Information

If you would like to know more about each project or how to use their services, please click on the organisation’s name and contact them directly.

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