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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

From knowing your consumer rights, doorstep crime, to what the law says, we provide a range of information and guidance.

Citizens Advice Consumer Service

Citizens Advice Consumer Service handle essential telephone enquiries about consumer rights issues, such as faulty goods or services, on behalf of Nottingham City Council Trading Standards; their trained advisors will offer the appropriate advice and guidance for resolving consumer matters.

Citizens Advice Consumer Service works with Trading Standards. If you report a potential criminal offence, Citizens Advice Consumer Service will pass the details to Nottingham City Council Trading Standards Team for investigation. In some cases, Citizens Advice Consumer Service may pass a civil complaint to Trading Standards for further help.

If you have a problem with goods or services, Trading Standards can help. These websites offer detailed information and advice on a range of consumer issues.

Other Useful Links 

  • Mailing Preference Service removes your postal details from unwanted mailing lists Visit: MPS Online
  • Telephone Preference Service enables consumers to opt-out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing calls Telephone Preference Service (
  • Think Jessica Protecting elderly & vulnerable people from scams Think Jessica
  • Action Fraud Report a fraud to Action Fraud
  • MoneyHelper Free and impartial help with money, backed by the government | MoneyHelper

Your rights as a tenant

Your rights as a tenant and how to report your landlord or letting agent.

How to spot if you have an illegal loan

Loan Sharks often:

  • Offer you a cash loan but do not give you any paperwork
  • Take your benefits or bank card as security on the loan
  • Increase the amount you owe even if you are making regular payments
  • Threaten or use violence to get money from you
  • Offer you a loan without doing credit or affordability checks

Where and How to Get Help

If you have borrowed money from a loan shark you haven't broken the law, they have.

Stop Loan Sharks investigates illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers.

  • Tel: 0300 555 2222
  • Visit: Stop Loan Sharks

If you, or anyone you know, are being threatened, or believe you are in danger because of a loan shark, call the police on 999

Contact us

Trading Standards
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 0808 223 1133

Contact Us Online
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