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Nottingham City Council have been doing a review of the condition of Listed Building’s to highlight Buildings at Risk in the city. Since the launch of the Nottingham Heritage Strategy half of the usable Listed Buildings on the list have been repaired and brought back into use.

The Heritage at Risk programme was developed by Historic England to prioritise resources and grants from the late 1990s. Historic England hold a register of Scheduled Monuments, Grade I and II* Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields and Shipwrecks. The Heritage at Risk registers are update annually for each region. For grade II Listed Buildings (93% of all listed buildings) Local Authorities are responsible for assessing the condition of buildings and holding their own Building at Risk Registers.


The 2013 showed 10% or 78 grade II listed buildings in Nottingham were at risk. Between 2013 and 2021 the following grade II Listed Buildings were taken off the Building at Risk register:

List Entry Number Grade Listed Building Name
1344946 II Garden Summerhouse 25 metres west of Number 14a, Park Terrace
1059021 II Daniel's Cave and Haddon Hall Stairs 30 metres south east of Number 14a, Park Terrace
1059034 II 41, Pilcher Gate
1270419 II Old Rectory, Village Road
1270410 II Railing and Gates Enclosing Circular Garden, Wellington Circus
1254565 II 93, Main Road
1270428 II Four Lamp Posts on north Side of Council House, Smithy Row
1254606 II Numbers 1 and 2 Home Farm Cottages, Former Stables to Clifton Hall, Holgate
1246751 II 51, Castle Gate
1246752 II 53, Castle Gate
1246753 II 57 and 59, Castle Gate
1254750 II 12, 14 and 16, Lower Parliament Street (upper floors)
1270411 II Garden Pavilion 15 metres south east of George Wells Almshouses, the Green
1270503 II 27, St Mary's Gate
1271439 II 43, 45 and 47, Castle Gate
1271430 II 2, 4 and 6, Broadway
1059027 II Number 15 and attached Boundary Wall, Park Valley
1255006 II 7, St James' Terrace
1059035 II St Mary's School, Plumptre Place
1246309 II 49, Castle Gate
1255186 II Garden Pavilion 15 metres north east of George Wells Almshouses, the Green
1255167 II 10, Short Hill
1246516 II Two Wharf Cranes at Canal Museum, Canal Street
1246766 II Nottingham Castle Middle Bridge adjoining Archway and Porter's Lodge, Castle Road
II Railings and Gates at School and School House, Church Street
II Gateway 20 metres east of St Mary's School, Barker Gate
II War Memorial Sundial, 80 metres north east of the Castle Museum, Castle Road
II War Memorial, Retaining Wall and Railings at Memorial Nurses' Home, Lenton Road
II 1 to 30, the Promenade
II 1 to 20, Robin Hood Terrace



Churchyard Railings and Gates at Church of Holy Trinity, Church Street

Forty-four entries still remain on the Buildings at Risk register which is 6% of the 757 grade II Listed Buildings in Nottingham. These listed buildings are listed below:

List Entry Number Grade Listed Building Name
1254802 II Columns Cave adjoining Number 14a to East, Park Terrace
II Herbarium Cave adjoining Number 14a to West, Park Terrace
II Summerhouse Cave 45 metres south east of Number 14a, Park Terrace
II Steps Cave 10 metres south east of Number 14a, Park Terrace
II Great Northern Warehouse at London Road Railway Station, London Road
II Cemetery Chapels at Basford Cemetery, Nottingham Road
II Stable Range to Bulwell Hall, Sandhurst Road
1255236 II K6 Telephone Kiosk Outside Number 20, Victoria Street
II Bright Family Memorial on south Side of General Cemetery, Waverley Street
II Boundary Mark at Junction with Porchester Road, Woodborough Road
II Garden Walls, attached Outbuildings and Gates at Wollaton Hall, Wollaton Park
II The Elms, Nuthall Road
II Dovecote in Centre of Green, The Green, Clifton Village
II Railings and Gate to Number 14 Churchill House, 14, Heathcoat Street
II Gate, Piers, Railings and Dwarf Wall to Forecourt of Basford House, Church Street
II Wright Family Vault 100 metres south west of Priory Church, Gregory Street
II K6 Telephone Kiosk at Junction with Holly Avenue, Main Road
II Ruins of Church of St John the Baptist, Racecourse Road
II 21 and 23, Goose Gate
II Dovecote and attached Mounting Block at Entrance to Rectory, Church Lane, Wilford
II Hospital Church of St Luke at City Hospital, Hucknall Road
II Eastcroft Cottages, London Road
II Ice House 70 metre north of Clifton Hall, Holgate
II Bulwell Dovecote, Commercial Road
II 13, Market Street
II Beeston Lodge and attached Boundary Walls, Wollaton Park
II 26, 28 and 30, Broad Street
II 33, Castle Gate
II Garden Shed 30 metres north east of George Wells Almshouses, the Green
II The Chapel and Theatre at Mapperley Hospital, Porchester Road
II Gateway 20 metres east of St Mary's School, Barker Gate
II Park Wall between Ancaster Gardens and Eton Grove, Wollaton Road
II Park Wall south west of Beeston Lodge, Wollaton Park
II Park Wall between Cambridge Road and Ancaster Gardens, Wollaton Road
II Ice House 40 metres south east of Lodge Number 1 at Wollaton Park, Wollaton Park
II Churchyard Walls, Railings and Gates to Church of St Mary, St Mary's Gate, Churchyard Wall, Railings and Gates at Church of St Mary, High Pavement
II Pipeclay Headstone 7 metres north east of Church of St Mary, St Mary's Gate
II Privy 20 metres west of Yew Tree Grange, Nethergate
II Railings and Gates at Eastcroft Cottages, London Road
II Remains of Park Wall between Adams Hill and Middleton Boulevard, Derby Road
II Churchyard Walls and Gateways to Church of St Mary the Virgin, Holgate
II Sarcophagus 50 metres south west of Priory Church, Gregory Street
II Meadow Mill, 48 and 50, Queen's Road
II Coade Stone Lions Flanking Steps 25 metres south east of Clifton Hall, Holgate
II Remains of Stairway in Garden at Clifton Hall, Holgate


We will work with owners and managers of these grade II buildings and structures to improve their condition and help remove them from the Building at Risk Register.

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