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Creating a range of family housing across a number of sites in the Meadows

As part of a city-wide plan to redevelop some of the city’s most unsustainable council housing, Nottingham City Homes completed a Arkwright Walkthree year programme of relocating tenants to allow the demolition and clearance of a number of sites in the Meadows.

This has provided an opportunity to build a range of new quality homes for sale or rent to meet local needs, with much-needed family housing in a range of sizes to suit different households and budgets.

Following a tender process, Keepmoat Homes Ltd are in the process of building The Edge, their development of 110 new homes for sale on the sites at Blackstone Walk and Arkwright Walk. Construction started in August 2017 and should be complete by spring 2020; providing a mix of apartments and two, three and four-bedroom houses.


Arkwright walk side

In order to improve accessibility and maximise the regeneration impact of the new developments in the Meadows, the Council has created a welcoming and attractive route for pedestrians and cyclists travelling to and from the city centre from the south by re-opening an historic through-route along Arkwright Walk.

The new pedestrian and cycle link follows the course of the old Arkwright Street, closed as a through route during the 1970s.

Updated April 2019


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