Introduction to Approved Document M
Disability equality legislation has changed in recent years for access to the built environment.
The aim of the regulations and the supporting Approved Document M is to make new and altered buildings accessible to all people. This includes those with disabilities. This helps meet the ongoing requirements of the Single Equalities Act 2010 for access to buildings, services and employment.
M1 requires reasonable provision to be made for people to have access to and use a building and its facilities. The guidance requires this to be fully inclusive, embracing all people irrespective of their age, gender or abilities.
We can assist and help applicants in applying Access legislation and National Access design principles. We can help to enable translation into the finished inclusive design and built projects.
Information on access to and use of buildings
Contact us
Building Control Services
Planning and Regeneration
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street
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