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Manage and change your address

Below are our online guides and forms to change or alter your address information within the Nottingham area. 

The Council's Address Management officers hold the legal responsibility for naming and numbering streets and properties within the city. Address Management also maintains and disseminates the authority's address and street datasets - the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and Local Street Gazetteer (LSG) respectively.

Apply for an address

Who Should Apply

If you are planning any of the following:

  • Change of address for one or more existing properties e.g. change 13 High Street to 11A High Street or change 18-20 High Street to 18 High Street 
  • Conversion (including subdivision or merger of existing properties) e.g. convert 11 High Street to 6 flats, merge Units 1 and 2 Burton Court to Unit 1, split shop at 32 High Street to two shops at 32 and 32A High Street
  • New development or redevelopment e.g. demolish house at 22 High Street and build 7 new houses 

How to Apply

Please complete our Online Application Form for new or changed addresses.

The form will ask you for your contact details as well as details of the existing site or address. You may also be asked to provide plans, depending on the complexity of the development.

The form gives you the opportunity to make suggestions for new addresses which will be considered in relation to our policy. You may find it helpful to read our Street Naming and Numbering Policy and Guidance January 2023 before you start to complete the application form.

We aim to give an initial response to all applications within 12 working days.

Problem with Your Current Address

If you are not sure what your correct address is or if you are experiencing problems with your current address, please check your address using our Address Finder application. If you still need assistance, please contact us as we may be able to help.

Just Moved in to a New Build Property or Newly Converted Flat

If you have recently moved into a new build property and the address does not appear on Royal Mail's website you'll need to let them know that the property is now occupied. Do this by email to or telephone 0845 601 1110 (and choose option 3, then option 1).

Royal Mail should already hold the address on their 'Not Yet Built' file. If they do not because the address has not been officially notified through the Address Management process, then they may ask you to contact us.

Changing an Existing Building or House Name

If you want to change your building name and your property does not already have a number, you must contact us using our Online Application Form so that a name can be agreed and the change officially registered. A number will probably also be assigned at that point.

Numbers give properties a logical location on a street, which helps them to be located by services and visitors, and property numbers are favoured by mail delivery and emergency service bodies. They should remain as a permanent part of the property address, whereas a name can change with any change of occupier. They should be clearly visible on the property near to the access.

Adding an Additional Building or House Name

If you wish to name your property and it currently has a postal number you can add a name on an informal basis and include this when quoting your address. However you should ensure that the name does not duplicate another building name in the nearby area and you must still continue to display the number and include the number in the address.

It is not a requirement for the name to be officially registered, but the Council can inform Royal Mail on your behalf if you so wish and Royal Mail will add the name as an alternative (alias) to the property number on their address database. If you wish to inform us of the name, please contact us. We will check for the suitability of the name, for example duplicating another building name.


Please see our Street Naming and Numbering Policy Handbook for further details on the above and on displaying the property number for your building. We will always be guided by this policy in determining the agreement of addresses.

Applying for Addresses

If you have had Planning permission for your development, you should contact us to agree addresses at the appropriate time. Please complete our Online Application Form to do this. We recommend that you read our Street Naming and Numbering Policy Handbook first, as this may help you to complete the form.

We suggest that you contact us at the earliest opportunity following Planning Permission being granted or Building Regulations/ Initial Notice being submitted. This should be after plans are finalised but before building work starts.


Addresses and postcodes are often required by utility companies and other bodies well before individual properties in the development are complete. Therefore you should complete the form to allow us time to agree the addresses with yourself or your agent, and then send out notifications.

If the development includes any new streets, the process for agreeing street names must be done before addresses can be agreed and before Royal Mail can assign postcodes. This part of the process includes consulting with Ward Councillors and possibly residents and can therefore take some time. You should complete the form allowing at least a couple of months in this case.

The Council will not normally charge for Street Naming and Numbering work. However, in cases where work is discretionary or additional then a fee will apply.

Discretionary services are those that are considered to be additional to our normal responsibilities under our legal obligations. As detailed in the table below, this includes re-doing work due to changes in plot numbers, changes to property access and renumbering/renaming existing properties.

Schedule of Charges

Please note that VAT is not applicable to charges made in respect of Street Naming and Numbering

Service Fee
1. Written confirmation of official address(es) or additional copies of official notification letter by post £27
2. Renaming or re-numbering properties £54 per plot plus £27 per hour for any required site visit
3. Amendment to verified addresses due to change in plot numbers, plot positions, building number or name £68 plus £7 per plot
4. Renaming a street or an un-numbered block of properties £342 plus £6per plot

The charge will not normally be applicable where the change causes the address to be significantly improved, e.g. adding a number to a property which currently only has a name.

Requests must adhere to the Council's Street Naming and Numbering Policy and Guidance January 2023.

Postcodes remain the responsibility of Royal Mail.

Contact us

Geographical Information Services
Address Management Team
Nottingham City Council
Development and Growth
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 0115 876 5012

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