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When examining the Local Plan Part 2 the Inspector considered the following key issues.

A plan is considered legally compliant when it complies with the various regulations that govern how it should be prepared. Key issues the Inspector will have considered.

  • Whether it is in the Local Development Scheme.
  • Whether community consultation was carried out in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement.
  • Whether the requirements of the relevant Regulations have been followed
  • Whether the appropriate notifications have been made
  • Whether a Sustainability Appraisal assessing social, environmental and economic factors has been completed and made public
  • Whether the document has regard to the Sustainable Community Strategy for the areas it covers
  • Whether the requirements of the Duty to Cooperate have been met.

These are whether the Local Plan Part 2 is 'positively prepared', 'justified', 'effective' and 'consistent with national policy' and are known as the 'tests of soundness'.

  • Positively Prepared - This means that the Plan has objectively assessed the need for homes, jobs, services and infrastructure and these will be delivered where sustainable.
  • Justified - This means that the Plan is based upon a robust and credible evidence base and supports the choices made in the document.
  • Effective - This means that the Plan will deliver what it sets out to do, will actually happen and the required infrastructure can be provided. The various landowners and stakeholders who will deliver elements of the Plan have also signed up to it and the Plan joins up with the strategies of neighbouring authorities.
  • Consistent with National Policy - This means that the Plan accords with the National Planning Policy Framework or provides clear and convincing reasons for doing something different.
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