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Eastside Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Nottingham City Council consulted on the Eastside Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012.

The consultation closed on Friday 3 December (5pm) 2021.

The SPD sets out a vision and development framework (in line with Local Plan policies) for the future development of the Eastside area. It aims to promote a balance of development across the area and in particular, it seeks to promote the following principles:

  • An appropriate balance in the type of housing in the Eastside Area;
  • A good balance in the type of development in the Eastside Area to support the local area, adjacent communities and Creative Quarter objectives;
  • Ensuring that all new development achieves a high standard of environmental sustainability;
  • Improvements to the environment of the Eastside Area, and adjacent areas, including open space and public realm enhancements and the protection and enhancement of heritage assets;
  • Ensuring safer connections into the Area, to surrounding communities and within the Eastside Area;
  • Development in line with the 20-minute neighbourhood principles, where people can meet their everyday needs within a short walk or cycle.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide further detail and explanation to support policies in the Nottingham City Local Plan (2020). SPDs are a material consideration in making decisions on planning applications.


To view the document please click the image below.

East side consultation pdf

Contact us

Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764594

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