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This consultation is now closed. Nottingham City Council consulted on the Draft Education Contributions from Residential Development SPD in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 between Wednesday 25 March until 5pm on Wednesday 3rd June 2020.

education contribution pdf

Updated version available above (text remains the same, just photo/formatting changes made).

This SPD provides further guidance to developers on the Local Planning Authority’s requirements for new or improved educational facilities as a result of new residential development. Policy 19 of the Aligned Core Strategy 2014 (ACS) and Policies IN4 (Developer Contributions) and Policy LS5 (Community Facilities) of the Land and Planning Policies Local Plan Part 2 - 2020 (LAPP) provide the policy basis for requiring such contributions.

The consultation ran for 10 weeks between Wednesday 25th March and 5pm on Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Nottingham City Council has prepared this Education Contributions Supplementary Planning Document in order to provide additional guidance the City Council’s approach to seeking contributions towards education infrastructure provision from new housing development within the city. Policy 19 of the Aligned Core Strategy 2014 (ACS) and Policies IN4 (Developer Contributions) and Policy LS5 (Community Facilities) of the Land and Planning Policies Local Plan Part 2 (LAPP) provide the policy basis for requiring such contributions.

This SPD outlines the City Councils approach to raising financial contributions via planning obligations under section 106 (s106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

This SPD provides more detail on the local approach to seeking developer contributions for education while taking account of updated DfE guidance: ‘Securing developer contributions for education’ (November 2019).

The contributions raised will be directed to funding works associated with addressing the increased pressure on existing school provision that a development will generate. This approach will ensure that new housing development makes a proportionate contribution to meeting the additional requirement for education provision that it will generate.

If you would like any further information on the SPD please contact the Planning Policy Team using by emailing

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