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What is an Infrastructure Funding Statement?

In line with Government legislation, local authorities are required to produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).

The IFS provides information on developer contributions, which are used to provide infrastructure to support development within the City to help mitigate development impacts.

The IFS includes information on the contributions required and received, and how financial payments have been used.

Available Infrastructure Funding Statements

Developer contributions is a collective term used to refer to planning obligations, which are used to secure financial and non-financial contributions (known as Section 106 or S106 agreements).

For further information, please review the Council S106 web page

An IFS will be produced towards the end of each calendar year to report on the previous financial year.

IFS are required to provide an annual update on financial contributions collected through Section 106 Planning Obligations, including details of new planning obligations which agreed upon during the reported year, the amount of money which was received during the reported year, the monies which have been allocated within the reported year and the amount of monies retained at the end of the reported year. The report also gives a breakdown of any non-monetary obligations. The reporting year is the financial year (1 April to 31 March).

The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 introduced this new requirement into the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (“the Regulations”) for all Charging Authorities to publish a document, before the 31st December each calendar year, known as “the annual Infrastructure Funding Statement".

As Nottingham City doesn’t currently have a Community Infrastructure Levy, this document for Nottingham needs to contain a “section 106 report” about planning obligations in relation to the previous financial year. The document must be published on the Council’s website.

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