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Have your say on proposed changes to Council Tax Support |

Nottingham City Council is consulting on future options for its Council Tax Support scheme which helps households on low incomes with their Council Tax bill. 

Purpose Built Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document (PBSA SPD)

The PBSA SPD provides comprehensive guidance to ensure new student housing developments meet the evolving needs of Nottingham's diverse student population. This SPD aims to set a framework for high-quality, innovative student housing, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable student housing market in Nottingham.

This SPD serves a dual purpose: to provide clear guidance for developers undertaking PBSA projects within Nottingham and to ensure that these developments align with the evolving needs of our student community. Rather than prescribing rigid formats, our aim is to establish a framework of minimum standards and requirements that uphold quality while encouraging innovation and affordability.

The document amplifies  Policy HO5: Locations for Purpose Built Student Accommodation and Policy HO6: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Purpose Built Student Accommodation of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies Document (2020).

Nottingham City Council consulted on the draft Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012.

Consultation on the draft SPD ended on 8 October 2024. All comments made during the consultation period are now being considered.

The draft Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD can be viewed here


Purpose Build Student Accommodation SPD PDF cover


The Council is now considering the consultation responses received with the intention to amend the SPD accordingly. This revised version will then need to be taken to a future Executive Board meeting for adoption along with a Report of Consultation, and once approved placed on the website along with an Adoption Statement.

If you have any queries or need more information, please contact the Planning Policy Team using the information below;

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