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Set out below are some useful external planning related information

Document/Link Details
National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021)  Sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.  The NPPF was undated in July 2021.
Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Planning Practice Guidance: this website resource brings together many areas of English planning guidance into a new format, linked to the National Planning Policy Framework and relevant legislation  This resource continues to be updated including changes as a result of the revised NPPF (2021).
Plain English Guide to the Planning System  Explains how the planning system in England works by providing a plain English guide.  It is only an overview and so does not set out new planning policy or guidance.
Planning Portal Planning Portal is the UK Government's online planning and building regulations system in England and Wales and is intended to be the first point of call for anyone wanting to find out about planning.
Planning Inspectorate Deals with planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications, examinations of local plans and other planning-related and specialist casework in England and Wales.

Contacting the Local Plan Team

The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing

Contact us

Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764594

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