What Nottingham Standard Accreditation is
Landlords who join a scheme and who meet the standards are 'accredited'.
The Nottingham Standard brings unity to accreditation in the city by incorporating DASH and Unipol, under one certification mark.
Landlords already accredited through DASH or Unipol are able to use the Nottingham Standard accreditation mark.
You can check to see if your landlord is accredited under the Nottingham Standard mark by checking with the Unipol Code (if you are a student) or the DASH Code (for other privately rented accommodation)
To apply:
- Make an online application to DASH Landlord Accreditation or Unipol Student Homes by clicking buttons below
- Sign a code of conduct
- Be a 'fit and proper' person
- Complete an online training course
- Have at least one property visited for a health and safety check
Apply through Dash Services Apply through Unipol
Unipol Student Homes are a national not for profit organisation that is dedicated to improving standards of student accommodation and ensuring you get the best choice.
Unipol work in partnership with Nottingham City Council and run the student accreditation scheme the Unipol Code for Nottingham.
If you are a student in Nottingham then you are recommended to rent a property that is accredited. This will give you peace of mind and provide assistance should you run into any problems as Unipol will work with you and your landlord to resolve any issues that you may come across.
Nottingham City Council work in partnership with Unipol Student Homes, a national student housing charity and recommend that you rent from a landlord or agent accredited under one of the Unipol's Codes.
- To find one of these properties please visit their website. Unipol - Accommodation Search
Is Your Landlord Accredited?
Use our property search facility to check whether a property is registered to a Nottingham Standard accredited landlord.
Using the accreditation mark, we are able to market the Nottingham Standard to new and existing tenants, allowing them to seek out responsible landlords. A property search allows tenants to check if a property is registered to an accredited landlord.
For general enquiries about the Nottingham Standard, please contact Nottingham City Council. For specific enquiries about membership of DASH Accreditation Services or Unipol Student Homes, please contact the relevant organisation:
DASH Landlord Accreditation Services
Contact: Linda Cobb
Tel: 01332 640324
Email: linda.cobb@derby.gov.uk
Unipol Student Homes, Nottingham
Contact: Matt Allison
Tel: 0113 205 3417
Email: M.Allison@unipol.org.uk
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