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DLA is now replaced by PIP?

Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) was a benefit which people under 65 can claim if they have a disability which severely affects their mobility and/or means they need help to care for themselves.

The Government has replaced this with a new benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 

For the latest information on PIP, check the Government website here Personal Independence Payment (PIP): What PIP is for - GOV.UK (

PIP Assessment

The PIP benefit is based on an assessment of need. The new assessment will focus on an individual's ability to carry out a range of key activities necessary to everyday life. Information will be gathered from the individual, as well as healthcare and other professionals who work with and support them.

Personal Independence Payment assessments involve an activity test and applicants will have to score a certain number of points in relation to certain activities for daily living and mobility. Applicants may also have to attend a consultation with a private sector health assessor as part of the claim process.

They will be individually assessed against the new entitlement criteria.

Who should you contact for more information?

If you have any queries regarding PIP you can use the public telephone or textphone numbers below.


PIP enquiry - 0845 850 3322
New Claims - 0800 917 2222


PIP enquiry - 0845 601 6677
New claims - 0800 917 7777

For the latest information on PIP, check the Government website here

In Nottingham, existing DLA claimants who are aged 16-64 will be affected by the introduction of PIP, even if they have an indefinite or lifetime award of DLA.

From October 2013, if there is a change in your circumstances, then the Government will contact you about claiming PIP.

From 2015 the Government will start to contact everyone else receiving DLA.

By March 2016 all DLA claimants will have been contacted by the Government regarding their assessment for Personal Independence Payment.

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