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Share Your Thoughts on the Council |

We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

If there are any changes in your household or personal circumstances you must inform us immediately as they may affect the Council Tax Support that you receive.

Report a change

Completing this service should take around 10 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Claimants name and address
  • Council tax reduction reference number 
  • National Insurance Number
  • Reason for change of information 

Report a change

Please inform us of the following changes

Personal Changes (You and Your Partner)

  • If you stop receiving Income Support, Job Seekers' Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance
  • If someone living with you, aged 18 or over, starts or stops work
  • If someone you look after stops getting Attendance Allowance
  • The birth of a child
  • Starting or leaving work
  • Changing your working hours
  • If you receive any new income or benefits
  • Changing from one benefit to another
  • Changes in savings (increase or decrease)
  • Changes in income (increase or decrease)
  • If any of your children leave school or leave home

Housing Changes

  • If you move house
  • Other people moving in or out of your home
  • Change in rent charge (if private tenant)

Other Changes

  • If you or your partner go into hospital
  • If you get married or register a Civil Partnership
  • If you or your partner are going to be away for more than one month

All of the above are examples, so if you have any other changes to your circumstances that you think may affect your Council Tax Support tell us anyway and we'll check it for you.

A full list of the documents we accept as proof of a change in your circumstance can be found here:

When you report a change in circumstances you will need to provide proof of the change.

By Email

You can email scanned or photographed documents to Housing Benefits NCC.  

  • Include your claim reference number or National Insurance number
  • The document or photo should be less than 10mb in size

In Person

You can bring your documents along to any of the following contact centres.

Visit the Customer Hub - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG

local Library or Joint Service Centre 'Ask Here Information Desk'.

'ASK HERE' information desk at one of the four Joint Service Centres

Opening Times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 5.00pm
  • Wednesday 9.30am to 5.00pm

Revenues and Benefits service

Our Revenues and Benefits service hours of opening are

9am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,  9.30am to 5pm on a Wednesday.

However, our Revenues and Benefits "24-hour telephone self-service" helpline 0115 7184444 is available whenever you need it to answer all of your frequently asked questions. 

Contact us

Council Tax Support Scheme and Housing Benefit
Nottingham City Council
Admail 4270

Tel: 0115 7184444

Contact Us Online
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