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Have your say on proposed changes to Council Tax Support |

Nottingham City Council is consulting on future options for its Council Tax Support scheme which helps households on low incomes with their Council Tax bill. 

Clinical waste for businesses and domestic

Clinical waste includes drugs, pharmaceutical products and any waste which poses a threat of infection to humans.

Clinical waste is always collected in special yellow bags marked 'Clinical Waste' to ensure it does not get mixed with normal domestic waste. You should request that clinical waste is specially collected, not just put in the general waste.

Book a clinical waste collection

Completing this service should take around 5 minutes.

To complete this service you will need.

  • Patient contact details
  • Patient NHS number
  • Waste type and how often it should be collected
  • Healthcare professional details

Book a clinical waste collection

Examples of Clinical Waste include:

  • Human or animal tissue
  • Blood or other bodily fluids including items used to dispose of urine, faeces and other bodily secretions. This includes disposable bedpans or liners, incontinence pads, stoma bags and urine containers
  • Excretions
  • Drugs or other pharmaceutical products
  • Swabs or dressings
  • Syringes, needles or other sharp instruments

Domestic Clinical Waste Collections

We do not charge to collect clinical waste from domestic premises. If you would like to receive a clinical waste collection then you can contact Waste Management yourself or you can be referred by the District Nurse. Please call 0115 915 2000 

Commercial Clinical Waste Collections

To receive a competitive quote for the removal of commercial clinical waste, please call 0115 915 2111 or email

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