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Laying cremated remains to rest

Scattering of Cremated Remains

Following the Cremation Service, we are able to offer numerous options for laying cremated remains to rest:

  • Witness Scattering with family and friends present 
  • Scattering Without Witnesses undertaken by our trained team with the utmost due care and dignity
  • Interment (burial) in a Grave or Cremated Remains  Underground Niche, with family present if wished
  • Placing of Cremated Remains in a memorial, including Sanctums and Wall Niches.
  • If you prefer, a family member or the Funeral Director would be welcome to collect the cremated remains to be laid to rest elsewhere

Designated areas

There are two designated areas where both remembrance and contemplation can take place:

  • The Garden of Rest
  • The Woodland Walk.

Here the beauty of the natural surroundings provides a quiet and private area to remember a loved one. With areas of bluebells, natural flora and ancient greenery, these areas are beautiful in their colours throughout the year.

On the day

On the day of a Witness Scattering, please make your way to the Book of Remembrance room to the left of the Crematorium building at the top of the hill. A member of our Service will meet you and be there to support you and to help you choose the area where you wish to scatter your loved one.

Designated area

There is one designated area where both remembrance and contemplation can take place;

  • The Garden of Rest just outside the historic chapel building at the cemetery.

Here the beauty of the historic surroundings provides a quiet and private area to remember a loved one. 

On the day of a Witness Scattering, please meet our representative outside the chapel building and they will be there to support you and to help you choose the area where you wish to scatter your loved one. 


To book a Witness scattering at Wilford Hill Crematorium or Northern Cemetery Memorial Gardens simply follow these steps:

  • If the service was at Wilford Hill and the original instruction at the time of the funeral was to arrange a Witness Scattering, simply ask the applicant to call the main Office on 0115 8761922 on a weekday between 9am and 3pm. All we ask is that we are given 5 working days’ notice to book an appointment for a witness scattering. 
    The cost will usually have been invoiced to your Funeral Director already.
  • If your loved one’s cremated remains have left us and are with you, or the Cremation took place elsewhere, please use the following form to request and pay for the scattering:
    N.B Please be aware you will need to upload the Cremation Certificate that should have been provided by the Funeral Director or Crematorium following a service. The original certificate should be brought to the place of rest on the day of the scattering and handed to our representative.

Scattering Form - Nottingham City Council

Once we receive the notification that you would like to arrange a Witness Scattering, we will then contact you to make the booking from 5 working days of when we get in touch.

In the event that you wish to have a loved one scattered without witnesses, or scattered on a grave, please contact your funeral director or contact our Cemeteries Office.

Contact can be made via email at or by calling the main office on 0115 8761922 on a weekday between 9am and 3pm and our helpful team will be able to advise you of the process and provide any necessary forms. 

Following a scattering, fresh flowers without wrappings may be left on the scattering site if you wish.

For a more permanent memorial, Southern Cemetery at Wilford Hill has 4 memorial beds in each seasonal area of the Woodland Walk or in the Eternal Flame area of the Garden of Rest where a small vase, plaque or other small memorial item may be left in a communal area free of charge.

We also have leased memorials available at our three active cemeteries at Southern (Wilford Hill), Northern and Highwood cemeteries in Bulwell. For more information on these and on the costs involved, please see our memorials link here:

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