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Welcome to the Nottingham City Council’s Jury Service page. We understand that this is an important civic duty, and we aim to provide clear information to assist you during this process.

At most inquests, there is no jury as the Coroner makes all the decisions. However, in certain cases, a jury is needed. The Coroner may call a jury under the following circumstances:

  1. Deaths in Custody: When a person dies in custody and the cause of death is not clearly due to natural causes.
  2. Work-Related Deaths: If a person’s death is linked to their own or someone else’s actions while at work.
  3. Health and Safety Issues: When the death is related to specific health and safety concerns.

Calling for Jury Members

We select jury members randomly from the electoral register. Jurors play a crucial role in listening to evidence and determining the findings of fact and the conclusion of the inquest (commonly known as the verdict).

While jury service can be challenging, many find it satisfying to actively participate in the justice system.

Where should I go?

  • All jury inquests are held at The Council House, Old Market Square, Nottingham NG1 2DT.
  • Approach the front desk on arrival and explain that you are here for jury service.

More Information

We appreciate our jurors’ vital role and provide them with all necessary support. If you have been summoned for jury service, please refer to the GovUK website for further details on expenses and procedures. 


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