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Reimbursement System for Court Attendees

The HM Coroner may, at their discretion, reimburse individuals responding to a Juror or Non-Professional Witness Summons for certain incurred losses related to their legal obligation to attend the coroner's court. No fees are allowed for attendance, and the claim system is designed to cover actual losses not recoverable elsewhere.


  • Juror: Individuals summoned for jury service.
  • Non-Professional Witness: Those providing live evidence, excluding experts or professional witnesses.

Note: Expenses for Police Officers, Fire Service, or medically qualified professionals are not covered.

Claims Scope: Eligible individuals may claim for:

  1. Loss of Earnings: Unrecoverable from employers or third parties.
  2. Travel Expenses: Limited to the cheapest public transport unless justified.
  3. Subsistence: Direct expenses due to absence from residence or work.
  4. Other Financial Loss: Pre-approved costs by the coroner.


  • Interested Persons cannot claim expenses.
  • Overnight accommodation and private hire vehicle expenses require prior written approval.

Limits: Claims are subject to maximum allowances outlined in The Coroners Allowances, Fees and Expenses Regulations 2013, approved by the Ministry of Justice. The coroner only considers claims not recoverable from employers.

Claim Period: Limited to actual attendance at court, not the case's length. No reimbursement for voluntary attendance.

How to Claim: All applications must use the electronic claim form system and include relevant documentary evidence:

  1. Loss of Earnings: Letter from employer or Accountant on headed paper.
  2. Travel Expenses: Tickets, receipts, and evidence justifying private mileage.
  3. Subsistence: Receipts and evidence of third-party coverage.
  4. Other Financial Loss: Invoices, receipts, and prior approval from HM Coroner.

Conclusion: This system ensures that no financial barriers hinder fulfilling legal obligations. It maintains simplicity, transparency, and adherence to established regulations for a straightforward user experience.

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