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An Educational Psychologist has training in psychology and child development, and they use their knowledge to support children and young people aged 0-25. Educational Psychologists often work with schools and educational settings to support children, young people and their families. They may meet a child or young person that they are supporting, or they may meet with the adults who know the child best and who see them on a daily basis. 

Educational Psychologists are involved with lots of things such as:

  • Meet with others to work on problem solving
  • Complete assessments and reviews
  • Providing training for some parents and those working in education
  • Attend multi-agency meetings
  • Support settings in developing their systems and strategies for meeting needs
  • Providing support after ‘critical incidents’
  • Supporting inclusion across Nottingham City through projects such as ‘Routes to Inclusion’.

Helping all pupils reach their potential is the aim of Educational Psychologists. In Nottingham City Educational Psychologists become involved in situations largely when schools/settings ask for our support, so please see your setting’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) should want to meet an Educational Psychologist.

Contact us

We accept requests for involvement from schools and settings. If you are a parent/carer or young person wishing to speak to an Educational Psychologist, we advise you to discuss this with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for the school or setting.

Tel: 0115 876 1774

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