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Nottingham Safeguarding Children Partnership has a Child Neglect Strategy which was developed jointly with Nottinghamshire County and sets out what the Partnerships intend to do to prevent neglect and minimise its impact.

The Strategy identifies 3 key objectives;

  • Recognise,
  • Respond and Reflect
  • Review.

Shared priorities under each objective provide a focus for the work so that all partner organisations can develop their own response and contribute towards the aims of the Strategy and improve outcomes for children who live in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

These animations below were created to help raise awareness about neglect:



The neglect toolkit and separate guidance document are provided for professionals across Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City to use in partnership with families when there is concern that the needs of a child are being neglected.

It is designed to enable honest conversations with families around areas of strength in their parenting and areas which need to change.  The language in the toolkit has been refreshed towards a strength based approach, and additional sections have been added on parental conflict and positive values.  

The section on the parents/carers ability to achieve change has been expanded.  

The requirement to complete the whole toolkit has been removed, in acknowledgement that professionals are likely to have helpful information focussed on only a few areas of the toolkit.  

The toolkit and guidance have been produced jointly by the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Contact us

Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Partnership
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764762

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