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Working to prevent offending and reduce re-offending by children and young people.

About the Youth Offending Team

The purpose of the Youth Offending Team (YOT) is to prevent offending and reduce re-offending by children and young people.

YOT's key activities involve:

  • Assessing the likelihood of re-offending and the risk of causing harm, and planning and managing interventions to reduce these risks
  • Strengthening protective factors against further offending
  • Ensuring that children and young people completing YOT have access to the full range of services to help their life chances
  • Ensuring that interventions with children and young people understand the victims and communities affected by their offending 
  • Identifying children and young people at risk of becoming involved in offending, and ensuring that evidence-based interventions are provided. Either directly or by commissioning services to address needs

The YOT consists of staff from the City Council, Police, Probation, Health and Nottingham Futures, and is overseen by a partnership board chaired by the Corporate Director for Children and Adults.

The objective of the YOT's Board is to support and maintain the YOT's strategic location at the cusp of the Children's Services, Criminal Justice System and Community Safety agendas. This is to ensure that it:

  • Maintains the confidence of criminal justice agencies and the public in managing risk
  • Supports children and young people to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being

For more information about the Youth Offending Team, please call 0115 915 9400.


YOT Quality Assurance Framework

Contact us

Children and Families
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 0115 915 9400

Contact Us Online
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