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CCTV in the City Of Nottingham

The CCTV system throughout the City of Nottingham is owned and operated by the city council and has been running 24 hours a day, every day of the year from the Woodlands Control Centre.

CCTV is an effective tool to make Nottingham City Centre a safer place to work, live and visit. The council has a responsibility not only to develop community safety plans but also to consider the impact of all their policies on the following:

  • Crime,
  • Anti-social behaviour (ASB)
  • Improve security.
  • Substance misuse
  • Reoffending.

Nottingham City Council provides a comprehensive range of services across the public safety spectrum, which include:

  • Community Protection Enforcement,
  • Housing Enforcement,
  • Licensing and Cleansing.

CCTV - The Service

All our cameras have been strategically placed in a planned network designed to deter and detect acts of crime and disorder and help with community safety. All cameras have regular reviews to ensure that they still meet high-quality standards.


CCTV image

The CCTV control centre is continuously staffed by 6 police vetted and SIA CCTV licensed operators, who monitor the approximately 274 public space cameras. CCTV Control Room Operators work closely with the Police control rooms, which also includes the feature for CCTV staff to place live camera images onto a secure ‘Follow Me’ monitor for the Dispatch Team at Sherwood Lodge (Police HQ) to view any Live incident that are within our camera network.


It is possible for organised, official groups to visit the control centre.
Contact us for more information.
The Nottingham Control Centre manages the public space cameras of Nottingham City Council. 

  • There are 286 public space cameras covering Nottingham City;
  • 274 are monitored continuously with operatives in direct communication with Nottinghamshire Police. 
  • The remaining 12 require the operator to dial into the camera to view, and airtime is used to be able to undertake live viewings.

Information and Downloads

More information about CCTV Guidance can be found on the GOV.UK Website below

Links with Nottinghamshire Police

The control centre has direct links with Nottinghamshire Police via dedicated police radios. We are also able to directly transmit images to the police control room to allow them to monitor live incidents.

Links with local businesses

The control room is in contact with over 200 local businesses via the Nottingham BID radio link system which enables retailers, including pubs and clubs, the control room and other organisations in the Nottingham City area to speak to each other, immediately.

The benefits of CCTV include:

  • Better targeting and use of police resources
  • Cameras deter criminal activity and disorder
  • Greater detection of incidents and identification of criminals
  • Quality evidence, an accurate witness
  • Prevention of incidents before they begin
  • Instant assistance with accidents or people were taken ill
  • A greater chance of finding missing persons quickly
  • Decreased fear of crime in areas covered by CCTV
  • A 24-hour continual presence protecting communities
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