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Flood Management: Know Your Responsibilities

Welcome to Nottingham City Council's Flood Management Information, designed to empower residents with knowledge about various types of flooding and the appropriate channels for reporting and assistance.

Highway Flooding:

As the Highway Authority, Nottingham City Council oversees the drainage of adopted roads and footways. In the event of highway flooding, please contact

Nottingham City Council’s Highway Services Team

For flooding caused by burst water mains or sewer overflows, contact Severn Trent Water 

“Ordinary Watercourse” Flooding

Ordinary watercourses, smaller rivers and streams, fall under the responsibility of riparian owners. If you suspect you are a riparian owner, download “Living on the Edge – Environment Agency” from our Flood Document Library to understand your rights and responsibilities. Report blocked or problematic trash screens on ordinary watercourses on NCC land to the Traffic and Flood Risk Management Team.

Explore maps showing flood risk from main rivers, including the River Trent, the River Leen, the Day Brook and parts of the Tottle Brook, Nethergate Brook and Fairham Brook and others, on the Environment Agency’s website available in our Flood Document Library.

Rising Groundwater Flooding

Groundwater emergence, a natural phenomenon, has the potential to flood cellars, basements, and voids. This is the responsibility of the property owner.

Private Drains and Sewers

Flooding from private drains and sewers is the responsibility of the landowner(s) or those responsible for the drains and sewers. Refer to the diagram by Severn Trent Water for clarity on ownership distinctions between public and private sewers.

Drainage responsibility Diagram

Reservoir Flooding

While reservoirs typically have excellent safety records, it's essential to be informed. Check your risk of reservoir flooding on the Environment Agency website accessible in our Flood Document Library.

Life-Threatening Extreme Emergencies

In cases of life-threatening extreme emergencies, contact the emergency services immediately Tel: 999

Stay informed and take appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and others. For comprehensive details on flood management strategies and resources, visit our Flood Document Library. If you have further inquiries, contact the Traffic and Flood Risk Management Team.




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