What does Nottingham City Council do
Nottingham City Council, as a Category 1 Responder, has the following duties placed upon it:
- Assess local risks and use this to inform emergency planning.
- Put in place emergency plans
- Find out more about our local plans
- Put in place Business Continuity Management arrangements
- Put in place arrangements to make information available to the public about civil protection matters and maintain plans to warn, inform and advise the public in the event of an emergency
- Inform the public about what you can do to prepare for emergencies
- Share information with other local responders to enhance coordination
- Co-operate with other local responders to enhance coordination and efficiency
- Find out more about how we co-operate with local responders
- Provide advice and assistance to businesses and voluntary organisations about business continuity management
- Find out what you can do to protect your businesses or organisation
Category 2 organisations are placed under the lesser duties of cooperating with these organisations and sharing relevant information.
As Category 1 responders, we must think bigger, expect the unexpected, and plan, prepare, train and exercise for it.
Emergency Plans
Nottingham City Council, emergency services, and other groups make plans to handle different kinds of emergencies. One of these plans is called 'integrated emergency management'. This means the plans can adapt and focus on how to respond to an emergency, rather than just what caused it. The plans should be a part of the everyday work structure, and different groups should work together to coordinate their efforts.
The common objectives of an integrated response are to:
- Save life
- Prevent escalation
- Relieve suffering
- Safeguard the environment
- Protect property and restore normality as soon as possible
The Council's main generic plan
The City Council's "Managing an Emergency" Plan is designed to handle any major emergency within Nottingham City Council's boundaries, regardless of how, where, or when. To do this, it is based on a framework that can be flexibly adapted to respond to differing circumstances.
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Working Together at the Local Level
It is intended that Category 1 and 2 organisations come together to form a 'Local Resilience Forum' (based on police areas), which will help coordination and cooperation between responders at the local level.
Under this umbrella, Nottingham City Council enthusiastically collaborates with the following to form the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Resilience Forum, which meets four times a year.:
- Nottinghamshire County Council,
- Nottinghamshire Police Authority,
- Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service,
- HM Coroners,
- East Midlands Ambulance Service,
- Bassetlaw District Council,
- Nottingham Primary Care Trust,
- Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust,
- Trent Regional Strategic Health,
- Government Offices East Midlands,
- (Regional) Health Protection Agency,
- Environment Agency,
- Army,
- RAF,
A person from the volunteer agencies who help with emergency planning in Nottinghamshire will now join Local Resilience Forum meetings. There are also talks about having representatives from Category 2 organisations at the forum
The Civil Contingencies Act mostly deals with civil emergencies, but it helps the UK plan for all kinds of problems by making sure different organisations can work together well. This happens at the local, regional, and national levels so that everyone can coordinate their efforts effectively.
Working Together at the Regional Level
Until recently, responder groups didn't work together much at a regional level for civil protection. Now, while not required, these arrangements can help improve communication and coordination between local and central government for big civil protection issues. The law doesn't deal with the regional civil protection level much.
Making plans at the regional level will help everyone work together better. There will be three types of plans: a 'Regional Response Plan' for emergencies, a 'Business Continuity Plan' for the Government Office, and a 'Regional Capability Co-ordination Plan' to make sure everyone can work together well.
The Civil Contingencies Act
there are legal guidelines for preparing for emergencies at the local level under a law called the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (CCA). This law helps create a framework for handling emergencies in communities.
The CCA explains how different organisations, especially local responders, should get ready for emergencies. This is the first time there are clear legal rules for preparing for emergencies at the local level.
tells us:
- What scale of emergencies should we be preparing for
- What organisations have to be involved in preparing for emergencies
- What do these organisations have to do
Before 2004 a lot of this work was already being done by Nottingham City Council; the Civil Contingencies Act gives a national framework for us to work within.
Want to know more about the Civil Contingencies Act
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Contact us
Emergency Planning
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street
Tel: 01159 154 781
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