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Community Emergency Plan

Nottingham is a safe place to live, but emergencies can happen anytime with various consequences that could significantly impact you, your household and your community.

In some cases, emergency responders may not be able to reach affected areas immediately, and in such situations, emergency services, local authorities, and other organisations will prioritise their response to protect people's lives and property.

To be better prepared for such situations, you can take steps like creating an emergency plan and packing a "grab bag." This can help you and your family to be ready and respond quickly in case of an emergency.

Making sure your household, family and friends are prepared

One of the simplest but most effective things you can do is to create a Household Emergency Plan for yourself and those close to you.

If an Emergency occurs, your first action should always be to contact the emergency services by dialling 999

What should a plan include?

  • Help anyone near you who may need help, especially if they are elderly or vulnerable
  • Make a list of essential contact numbers - on paper or other means just in case you cannot access your phone. 
  • Consider creating emergency procedures for your household - From getting out of the house to meeting points and where to go in an emergency.
  • Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies.
  • Learn some basic First Aid.

Tune into either

  • BBC Radio Nottingham on 103.8, 95.5, and 95.1 FM, 1584 AM & DAB
  • BBC Radio Sheffield on 104.1, 88.6, and 94.7FM, 1035AM & DAB
  • Capital FM - 96.2-96.5 FM


If necessary, you may be asked to evacuate your home by either council, government, emergency services or Armed Forces. You should:

  • Listen and follow any instructions given by an official source
  • Collect your emergency kit or grab bag. Note the less you take is better, but ensure you have essentials, including warm clothes.
  • Secure your property as much as you can without wasting time. 
  • Gather pets together and take them with you or move to safety.
  • Report to the allocated Emergency Reception Centre or inform the police or local authority if you plan to stay elsewhere

When preparing for a possible emergency, it's best to think first about the basics of survival:

  • Fresh water, Food, Clean air and Warmth.
  • Food: at least three days' supply of non-perishable food
  • Radio: Battery-powered or wind-up radio, extra batteries
  • Torch and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Medications and glasses
  • Money (cash and credit or debit card). (don't always assume ATM Work)
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person; consider additional bedding during winter

If you have a pet/pets, think about making them a kit as well, this may include:

  • Pet food and drinkable water in plastic bottles
  • Pet medication, vet records and vet’s contact number

You should also make sure you have similar provisions in your car.

Below are 2 PDF documents to help with planning emergencies. Click on the link to download and view.

  • A simple plan template that you should fill in with all members of your household

Further links

For more information please click on following links to visit:

Contact us

Emergency Planning
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01159154781

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