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Areas Covered by Law

Equality legislation protects ten "protected characteristics". These are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

The legislation makes it illegal to discriminate against people based on these characteristics in employment or service delivery. It also gives extra duties for public bodies like Nottingham City Council to actively promote equality and to consider how it can reduce disadvantages.

How to Consult on Equalities Issues

Nottingham City Council has several Internal and External Equalities groups that be consulted about general issues or ones relating to specific strands. 

Equality forums

We support several forums that play a vital role in overseeing and improving our work on equality and diversity.

Internal Forums

Nottingham City Council supports several internal forums. Our Staff Networks provide invaluable space for mutual peer support, personal & professional networking, & development opportunities for members, & are a resource for suggesting good practice to help us to advance our equality & inclusion aims.

  • BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnics Network)
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network)
  • DESN (Disabled Employees' Staff Network)
  • MUSLIM Staff Network
  • ACE
  • Vegan Staff Network

For further information about our Staff Networks, please contact Equalities.

Useful Contacts 

Nottinghamshire Deaf Society

Citizens Advice (Nottingham & District)

Disability Involvement Group

The Disability Involvement Group monitors progress and provides consultation on disability issues. It is made up of representatives from the community and voluntary sector. To get involved or to request an agenda item please contact the Equality and Employability Team.

Disability Identification Cards

Information on cards which can make access for disabled people easier

Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Consultative and Scrutiny Forum

The LGBT Forum meets quarterly. This Forum is made up of representatives from the LGBT community and voluntary and community organisations and provides advice and consultancy on Council policies and services.

If you would like to discuss a service, policy or issue with this group please contact the Equality and Employability Team.

Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage celebrates Nottinghamshire's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) lives, hidden history and culture.

The Equality and Employability Team also manage Nottingham City Council’s corporate apprenticeship programme, as well as work experience and graduate programmes.

Apprenticeships are no longer restricted to young people and new recruits. You can access the Apprenticeship Levy to fund existing staff development as long as they will be working towards an approved apprenticeship standard for at least 12 months and are able to spend 20% of their work time on off the job training.

For information on Nottingham City Council’s apprenticeships offers, visit our Apprenticeship webpage.

Make a Comment, Compliment or Complaint

Having your say helps the council to identify improvements and recognise great service through your comments, compliments and complaints. If you would like to leave any feedback, please click the button below.

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Contact us

Equality & Employability Team

Tel: 01158762747

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