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We regularly seek to recruit new members for our school admission appeals panels. The panels hear evidence and make decisions in relation to appeals received from parents/guardians who wish to appeal against a decision not to admit a child to their preferred school.

Panel Members

3 panel members are required to hold a school admission appeals hearing. Each panel is composed of at least one member from each of the following categories:

  • Lay members - those without personal experience in the management of or provision of education in any school
    • A lay member can also be someone who is, or has been, a school governor or someone who has worked or works in a school as a volunteer
  • Non-lay members - those with experience in education
    • This includes:
      • Teachers
      • Teaching assistants
      • Ex-teachers/ex-teaching assistants
      • Individuals acquainted with educational conditions
      • Parents of a registered pupil at a different school

Full initial training will be provided. Refresher training will occur at regular intervals to ensure everyone is kept up to date with changes to admissions law and the codes.

What the role involves

  • Reading the paperwork and written representations that will be sent to you
  • Sitting on independent school admission appeals panels
  • Listening to verbal representations at the hearings
  • Ensuring parents feel they have had a fair and independent hearing, have been given every opportunity to state their case and have been taken seriously
  • Weighing up the two cases from the parent/carer and the Admission Authority
  • Reaching a decision on each case with fellow panel members and giving reasons for those decisions

Skills and experience needed

  • Good communication and listening skills
  • Integrity and fairness
  • Ability to work with other panel members
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make a well-reasoned decision
  • Have an awareness of Equality issues
  • Be reliable regarding any dates on which you've agreed to serve
  • Have an understanding of school admission appeals legislation (for which training will be provided)

Please see the person specification here: Person specification
Further information on the role of a panel member here: Role of a panel member

By joining our team of members, you will benefit from full training, the chance to acquire new skills and apply them directly to making a difference to the children and families of Nottingham. Your role plays a huge part in the openness and transparency of the school admissions procedures and ensures fairness throughout.

Members can choose to serve on a panel as few or as many times as they wish throughout the year. We maintain a database of trained members and will make contact when organising an appeal to check availability. The appeals are arranged so that they are heard for half a day or a full day which can range between 9am and 5pm.

Following guidance introduced in 2022, appeals hearings typically take place virtually using Zoom, although some continue to be heard in person. This hybrid arrangement is used to prevent disadvantage.

You cannot apply to become a panel member with Nottingham City Council if you are a current employee of Nottingham City Council, or a council member. In addition, governors, teachers and teaching assistants cannot sit on a panel considering appeals for the school in which they work. They may sit on panels for other schools.

The roles are voluntary and therefore unpaid. There is entitlement to claim some expenses when carrying out duties in relation to the role.

If you are interested in applying, please complete the application form below:

Download the Application Form

To be returned to:



School Appeals Team
Nottingham City Council
LH Box 28
Loxley House
Station Street

For further information, or for an informal discussion, please contact or call the team on 0115 87 63760 / 64302.


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